Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets

Wed 1 Aug 1894

Rex (2123), Rick (353), staddles (8)
done (281), fenced (34), Ground (382), hay (1122), heifers (325), Rick (353), South (357), Town (532)
Appeal (12), Bennett (682), Bennett (682), Case (53), Coombe (41), Hill (955), Thomas (223), William (302), Wincanton (642)
Bill (484), Hutching (3), order (100), paid (1944), Pigs (1328), Stroud (1409)
Came (596), South (357), Town (532)
afterwards (39), Bruton (758)
Barber (94), bills (99), Hill (955), paid (1944), Swain (20)
cheese (1666), fund (80), Gifford (57), Hayier (2), Langman (1), Mrs (1554), paid (1944), paid (1944), promised (658), toward (129)
Gifford (57), preached (1123), tonight (250)
heard (404), Louie (713), Stanley (703)
Called (1514), fat (530), Pigs (1328), Stroud (1409), today (1127)
Aug (27), coming (271), Mrs (1554), saying (947), Sykes (35)

Index to all the entries