Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets

Fri 24 Jul 1896

Pigs (1328), Stroud (1409), Weighed (277)
chaff (195), Cleaning (217), cutting (421), hay (1122), Men (1554), others (707)
fore (6), Pigs (1328), Quarter (27), Stroud (1409)
dry (46), Very (143), weather (34)
cheese (1666), gallons (22), Imperial (11), lbs (124), measure (43), Milk (1238), tnst (2), Weighed (277)
cows (394), Down (124), Finished (341), Haymaking (78), Mary (198), today (1127), Turned (174)
Bruham (767), Gables (367), Lodge (793)
Mother (176), old (289), old (289), today (1127), Victor (1058), years (118), years (118)
Machine (183), Monday (364), N Reads (1), Threshing (86), Victor (1058)
James (591), Killed (143), Loveridge (5), Pig (164), Porker (22)
John (2874), Reed (3327)
Committee (364), Institute (59), meeting (967), Paper (133), sent (4043), Went (826), Wrote (2470)
Bruton (758), Clarke (296), Green (576), leaving (62), Librarian (1), proposed (74), Reading (50), room (278), William (302)

Index to all the entries