Josiah Jackson's Diaries - index

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These diaries were authored by Josiah Jackson and the period 1882-1904 have been made available. The ownership for all or part is Eve Jackson. A version was produced by Charldon Publications in the 1990s in Bruton but is now unhappily out of print. Library copies are available at the five legal deposit libraries, and also Leicester special collections. A search of the Libraries West (UK) catalogue might reveal more local copies. The purpose of this index is to encourage people to look more closely at this half-million-word text, and perhaps to find details about family, weather patterns, repeated farming tasks more easily in an HTML format. If you believe you hold copyright to this work and/or have copies of the book available to sell, please contact me, so that a link for sale purposes can be displayed. I am the author of the Haine family website and thus nearly related to Josiah's second wife Annie. some more information about the printed publication is given here.