Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Mon 14 Dec 1891

Nellie (Mrs Peach) paid Annies share Mr John Hainefe Interest, Mr Muller paid .
Annies (2), Hainefe (1), Interest (11), John (2874), Mrs (1554), Muller (76), Nellie (591), paid (1944), paid (1944), Peach (300), share (25)
Sat 28 Dec 1901

Victor Sister Annies, West Forest bought cow calf Frank agreed send meet Forest Gate, Bruham, Monday noon.
agreed (1355), Annies (2), bought (1410), Bruham (767), calf (367), cow (461), forest (147), forest (147), Frank (462), Gate (403), meet (154), Monday (364), noon (5), send (792), Sister (177), Victor (1058), West (94)

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