Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Sun 25 Aug 1889

Mr Veasey preached, text morning, Wherefore seeing compassed cloud Witnesses patience race ftc Sec.
cloud (6), compassed (4), ftc (833), morning (1314), patience (2), preached (1123), race (2), sec (38), seeing (45), text (953), Veasey (25), Wherefore (7), Witnesses (6)
Sun 13 Mar 1898

Even, Wherefore seeing compassed cloud witnesses lay aside weight sin doth easily beset .
aside (3), beset (2), cloud (6), compassed (4), doth (3), easily (2), Even (208), lay (22), seeing (45), sin (13), weight (156), Wherefore (7), Witnesses (6)
Sun 6 Jul 1902

Even: Wherefore seeing compassed cloud witnesses lay aside weight.
aside (3), cloud (6), compassed (4), Even: (16), lay (22), seeing (45), weight (156), Wherefore (7), Witnesses (6)
Sun 2 Aug 1903

Mr Winter junr preached Text morning: Wherefore seeing compassed Cloud witnesses lay aside weight sin doth easily beset patience Ac.
aside (3), beset (2), cloud (6), compassed (4), doth (3), easily (2), Junr (96), lay (22), morning: (32), patience (2), preached (1123), seeing (45), sin (13), text (953), weight (156), Wherefore (7), Winter (172), Witnesses (6)

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