Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Fri 8 Jun 1900

Reed Mr Stevens saying Pigs Park provided Estimate submitted Sir Henry approval paying half cost J. Attwood hauled Tons sah cwt Rape meal mangel Plot Burrowfield.
approval (3), Attwood (81), Burrowfield (217), cost (59), cwt (322), estimate (33), half (161), hauled (709), Henry (311), mangel (528), meal (202), Park (279), Paying (15), Pigs (1328), plot (19), provided (1), Rape (4), Reed (3327), sah (2), saying (947), Sir (230), Stevens (151), submitted (3), tons (300)
Sat 15 Sep 1900

J. Attwood hauled load sah Mr Stroud lo Bank.
Attwood (81), Bank (1010), hauled (709), load (292), sah (2), Stroud (1409)

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