Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets

Mon 29 Jun 1896

bills (99), cheque (1456), Cogley (324), Cottage (95), done (281), done (281), Farm (548), money (230), paid (1944), Reed (3327), Shackleton (284), Tiling (9)
receipt (518), sent (4043)
allow (44), Bridge (115), cost (59), doors (42), entrance (31), Henry (311), Park (279), Plox (4), Posts (38), Railway (60), Shackleton (284), Sir (230), told (1155), toward (129)
Fetched (69), Lumber (781), mills (93), Park (279), Posts (38), Saw (1040), Yonder (61)
Innes (82)
Bruham (767), cleared (32), Cogley (324), folks (18), gates (37), locked (3), told (1155), tomorrow (666), Tuesday (178), wood (415), wood (415)
Janey (244), Saw (1040)
Book (150), Case (53), Mother (176), Ruth (36), Sister (177)
bought (1410), Papers (80), Reading (50), room (278), Sale (282)
afterward (211), Brook (12), chat (94), Clarke (296), Coombe (41), Saw (1040), Spring (49)
Edgar (357), Ernest (94), heifers (325), South (357), Town (532), Victor (1058)
Mowing (493), quarr (23), Rex (2123)

Index to all the entries