Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Fri 18 Jan 1889

Sent declaration Exemption Dog.
declaration (11), Dog (35), Exemption (4), sent (4043)
Mon 15 Feb 1892

heard Mr Knight Lecture Sun, moon, c. Tom Declaration Exemption Dogs paid Trap License.
declaration (11), dogs (7), Exemption (4), heard (404), Knight (122), lecture (136), License (11), Moon (85), paid (1944), Sun (18), Tom (2187), trap (177)
Thu 18 Feb 1892

Reed Sidney Weeks saying dressed Land Priddy Exemption Dogs.
dogs (7), dressed (26), Exemption (4), Land (140), Priddy (137), Reed (3327), saying (947), Sidney (23), weeks (92)
Tue 2 Jan 1894

wrote supervisor Inland Revenue Dog Exemption.
Dog (35), Exemption (4), inland (4), revenue (4), supervisor (1), Wrote (2470)

Index to all the entries
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