Josiah Jackson's diaries 1882-1904: index and snippets


Date Snippet
Thu 26 Oct 1882

Received Mr E. Gilbert wishing meet top Stoke hill Sunday morning.
Gilbert (17), Hill (955), meet (154), morning (1314), received (139), Stoke (13), Sunday (117), top (281), wishing (7)
Thu 17 Jan 1884

BJohn Mr Shackleton expect Mr Eden week wishing .
BJohn (556), Eden (27), expect (31), Shackleton (284), week (405), wishing (7)
Mon 6 Sep 1886

Pears B. Lodge Ruth wishing -bye.
bye (14), Lodge (793), Pears (7), Ruth (36), wishing (7)
Thu 22 Sep 1892

To Mr Sykes station started wishing Friends John bye .
bye (14), friends (55), John (2874), Started (26), Station (860), Sykes (35), wishing (7)
Wed 13 Jun 1894

Mr Gregory called Life Insurance (Royal) wishing Tom insure.
Called (1514), Gregory (11), Insurance (66), insure (5), Life (42), Royal (10), Tom (2187), wishing (7)
Fri 11 Dec 1903

wrote sympathy Mr Warburton re Sir Henry's accident, asking convey Sir Henry wishing speedy recovery.
accident (25), asking (671), convey (1), Henry (311), Henry (311), recovery (1), Sir (230), Sir (230), speedy (1), sympathy (11), Warburton (49), wishing (7), Wrote (2470)
Fri 1 Jan 1904

Reed card Rev J. Winter wishing happy (words) tage ruins.
Card (153), Happy (10), Reed (3327), Rev (123), ruins (6), tage (1), Winter (172), wishing (7), Words (8)

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