Toms Wills: Addresses in UK wills 1931-1939.

Gateshead is an old place, where many people lived
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Grantor surname (1931-9):
District (England-Wales):
Browse modern postcodes

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ABBOTT of 10 Sandown-gardens Bensham -- Gateshead
ABBOTT of 60 Hd-street -- Gateshead
ABEDSHINE of 18 Hector-street -- Gateshead
ABRAM of 38 Gladstone-terrace West -- Gateshead
ADAM of 17 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
ADAMS of 36 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
ADAMS of 4 Orchard-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ADAMSON of 143 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
ADAMSON of 34 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
ADAMSON of 7 Ravensworth-terrace Dunston -- Gateshead
ADAMSON of 70 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
ADAMSON of Glencaple 10 Dryden-road-south Low Fell -- Gateshead
ADDISON of 53 Peareth-street -- Gateshead
ADDISON of 8 Chepstow-gardens Bensham Estate -- Gateshead
AFFLECK of 19 Southway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
AGAR of 27 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
AGIN of 13 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
AIKENHEAD of 11 Claremont South-avenue -- Gateshead
AIKMAN of 99 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
AINSLEY of 14 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
AINSLIE of 5 Asher-street -- Gateshead
AINSLIE of 5 Asher-street -- Gateshead
AISBITT of 12 Chamwood Gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
AITKEN of 63 Queen-street Teams -- Gateshead
AKENHEAD of 1 Ely-street -- Gateshead
AKENHEAD of 15 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
AKEROYD of 131 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ALBUTT of 17 Charnwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ALDER of 156 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
ALDER of 166 RawlingVoad -- Gateshead
ALDERSON of 118 Fleming-street -- Gateshead
ALDERSON of 58 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ALDERTON of 28 Harle-street -- Gateshead
ALECOCK of 215a Bensham-road -- Gateshead
ALEXANDER of 2 Springwell-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
ALEXANDER of Causeway Hotel Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ALLAN of 107 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
ALLAN of 19 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
ALLAN of 5 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ALLAN of Bracklin Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ALLEN of 6 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
ALLEN of 6 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
ALLINSON of 11 Hawthome-gardens -- Gateshead
ALLINSON of 20 Southend-terrace Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
ALLINSON of 99 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ALLISON of 10 Burney Villas -- Gateshead
ALLISON of 16 Red Bungalows Springwell -- Gateshead
ALLISON of 34 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 1 Selborne-terrace -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 10 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 11 Musgrave-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 115 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 116 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 15 Milne-terrace -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 151 Carhill-road -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 16 Union-street Windy Nook -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 2 Hill-crest High Heworth -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 249 Durham-road -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 33 Eldon-street -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 37 Raby-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ANDERSON of 38 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 42 Peareth-street -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of 5 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of T Ryton-street -- Gateshead
ANDERSON of William IV Inn -- Gateshead
ANDERTON of 48 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
ANDREWS of 477 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
ANGAS of Neswick Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
ANGOVE of 11 Valley-gardens -- Gateshead
ANGUS of 107 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
ANGUS of Eslington Villa Low Fell -- Gateshead
ANNABLE of 28 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
ANNABLE of 28 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
ANSLOW of 12 Osborne-terrace -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 38 Trevethick-street -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 4 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 4 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 40 Trevethick-street -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 69 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
APPLEBY of 7 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
APPLETON of North Lodge Cedars Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARCHBOLD of 16 Melboume-street -- Gateshead
ARCHBOLD of 3 Victoria-terrace South Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARCHBOLD of 30 Third-street -- Gateshead
ARCHBOLD of 91 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
ARCHBOLD of 91 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
ARCHER of 35 Primrose Hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARCHER of 35 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARCHER of 5 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
ARCHER of Beaumont Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARGYLE of 8 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
ARKLESS of 4 Primrose Hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARMITAGE of 2 Moss Side Eighton Banks Wrekenton -- Gateshead
ARMITAGE of 2 Moss-side Wrekenton -- Gateshead
ARMITAGE of 90 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
ARMITAGE of Fell View Dunstan-road Dunstan-on-Tyne -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 14 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 14 Lilac-gardens -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 145 Durham-road -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 170 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 18 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 23 Morris-street Teams -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 23 Weathercock-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 232 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 28 Bridge-street -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 31 Cambourne-grove -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 32 Ashtrees-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 32 Ashtrees-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 39 Beauford-street -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 46 Rothbury-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 5 Elmwood-gardens -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 6 Stephenson-street -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of 61 Hector-street -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of Linhope Valley-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of The Nook 7 Windey Nook-road -- Gateshead
ARMSTRONG of The Nook Windy Nook-road -- Gateshead
ARNELL of Westfield House High Heworth -- Gateshead
ARNOLD of 10 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
ARNOLD of 3 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
ARNSTRONG of 38 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ARROWSMITH of 16 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
ARROWSMITH of 81 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
ASBRIDGE of Cresswell House Kells-lane South Low Fell -- Gateshead
ASH of 14 Cyprus-gardens -- Gateshead
ASHBY of Blackwall House Saltmeadows -- Gateshead
ASHTON of 4 Beechwood-gardens -- Gateshead
ASHTON of 88 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
ASKINS of 51 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ASTBURY of 10 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
ATHEY of 80 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
ATKIN of 137 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 104 School-street -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 11 Asher-street Felling Gate -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 12 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 13 Mary-street -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 13 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 17 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 178 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 214 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 4 Derwent-gardens Low FellC -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 4 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 41 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 41 Brighton-road Bensham -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of 7 Thornlea-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of Chow Dene Hall Farm Low Fell -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of Holly House Chow Dene-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
ATKINSON of The Albion Hotel High-street -- Gateshead
ATTWATER of 15 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
AUDAS of 8 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
AUSTIN of 12 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
AUSTIN of 14 Caris-street -- Gateshead
AVERY of 16 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
AVERY of 29 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
AYLWIN of 63 Regent-street -- Gateshead
AYNSLEY of 4 Split Crow-road -- Gateshead
AYRE of 5 Hadrian-place Carr Hill -- Gateshead
AYTON of 63 Durham-road -- Gateshead
BACKHOUSE of 14 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
BAGNALL of The Plough Inn Deckham-place and of The Lime Kiln Inn South Shore-road both in -- Gateshead
BAILES of Corston 2 Musgrave-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of 109 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of 14 Corbitt-street -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of 6 Cumberland-street -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of 60 Medway-crescent -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of 78 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
BAINBRIDGE of The Poplars Musgrave-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BAIRD of 8a Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
BAIRD of 8a Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
BAIRD of 97 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
BAKER of 168 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BAKER of 37 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
BAKER of 62 Cambomcrgrove -- Gateshead
BALFOUR of 72 Millway Carr Hill -- Gateshead
BALLAN of 260 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
BALMER of 17 Stone-street -- Gateshead
BALMER of 17 Stone-street -- Gateshead
BAMBROUGH of S3 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BANHAM of 329 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
BARKER of 26 WindermerQ-street -- Gateshead
BARKER of 50 Abbey-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BARLOW of 44 James-street -- Gateshead
BARLOW of 59 Dorothy-street -- Gateshead
BARNES of 2 Primrose Hill -- Gateshead
BARNES of 5 Edendale-terrace -- Gateshead
BARNES of 8 Granville-street -- Gateshead
BARNES of 9 Pinewood Gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
BARNES of George IV Hotel Low Fell -- Gateshead
BARNETT of 72 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
BARNFATHER of 44 Beaconsfield-road -- Gateshead
BARRANCE of 224 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BARRANCE of 224 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BARRAS of 11 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BARRAS of 13 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
BARRAS of 20 West Park-road -- Gateshead
BARRAS of 3 Asher-street -- Gateshead
BARRAS of 6 Cotfield-street -- Gateshead
BARRASS of 15 Kitchener-street -- Gateshead
BARRASS of 21 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
BARRASS of 38 Ellison Villas -- Gateshead
BARRASS of 39 Jane Eyre-terrace -- Gateshead
BARRASS of 46 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BARRATT of 94 Brighton-road Bensham -- Gateshead
BARRETT of 65 Caldenvood-crescent Harlow Green -- Gateshead
BARRON of 12 Princess-street -- Gateshead
BARRON of 217 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BARRON of 42 Milling-street -- Gateshead
BARTELS of 14 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
BARTLEY of the High Teams Hospital -- Gateshead
BARTON of 14 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
BARWICK of 157 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
BARWICK of 26 Clyde-street -- Gateshead
BATEY of 62 The-avenue -- Gateshead
BATY of 5 Briermede-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BEAGLEHOLE of 161 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
BEATTIE of 24 Worley-avenue -- Gateshead
BEATTIE of 45 Windermere-street West -- Gateshead
BEATY of 12 Poplar-crescent -- Gateshead
BEATY of 12 Poplar-crescent -- Gateshead
BEAUMONT of 885 High-street -- Gateshead
BEAUTIMAN of 21 Miilfield-terrace East -- Gateshead
BECK of 39 Broadway -- Gateshead
BECKWITH of 2 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
BEEBY of 3 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
BEESON of 10 Silverdale-terrace -- Gateshead
BEILBY of 102 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
BEILBY of 48 Belle Vue-bank -- Gateshead
BELL of 11 Enfield-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 112 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 13 West View Wrekenton -- Gateshead
BELL of 14 Bensham-crescent Gateshead
BELL of 14 Macadam-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 15 Bloomfield-terrace Gateshead
BELL of 152 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 163 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 18 Springwell-road Wrekenton -- Gateshead
BELL of 19 Cromwell-terrace Gateshead
BELL of 2 Osbome-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
BELL of 2 Saltwell-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 2 Stanhope-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 232 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BELL of 24 Earlswood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 25 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 27 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 279 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BELL of 31 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 31 South-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 357 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 39 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 41 Edward-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 42 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 45 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
BELL of 46 Tennyson-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 5 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of 55 Milling-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 57 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 59 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
BELL of 7 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
BELL of 74 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 82 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
BELL of 97 Devonshire-street -- Gateshead
BELL of 97 Devonshire-street -- Gateshead
BELL of Kuldana Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of Landscape Cottages Primrose Hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of Rocksyde Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
BELL of Rosedale Wert Park-road -- Gateshead
BELSHAW of 340 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 102 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 15 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 2 Hardwicke-terrace -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 24 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 26 Eastwood-gardens -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 5a Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 5a Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
BENNETT of 6 Egremont-drive Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BENNETT of Craiglea Nursing Hoirie Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BENNETT of G Egremont-drive Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BENNISON of Harcourt Park Low Fell -- Gateshead
BENSON of 33 Briermede-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BENSON of 55 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
BERESFORD of 1 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BERKELEY of 206 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
BERKOVITCH of 354 Askew-road -- Gateshead
BERRY of 9 Grantham-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
BEST of 10 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
BEST of 18 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
BEST of 20 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
BEVAN of 3 Loraine-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
BEVERIDGE of 3 Team Vale Villas Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
BEVERIDGE of 321 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
BEWICK of 220 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
BEWICK of 7 St James-road -- Gateshead
BIGGS of 32 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
BILTCLIFFE of 2 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BINKS of 23 Charnwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BIRKS of 3 Edward-street -- Gateshead
BIRNEY of 33 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
BIRRELL of 499 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
BIRTLES of Fellside 7 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BISHOP of 243 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
BISHOP of 3 St Cuthberts-terrace -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BISHOP of 57 Windermere-street West -- Gateshead
BISHOP of 57 Windermere-street West -- Gateshead
BISHOP of 6 Evelyn-terrace -- Gateshead
BISSETT of 46 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
BLACK of 115 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
BLACK of 228 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BLACK of 30 Lorton-road High Fell -- Gateshead
BLACK of 40 Beverley-road -- Gateshead
BLACK of 40 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BLACK of 5 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BLACKBURN of 103 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
BLACKBURN of 4 South-street -- Gateshead
BLACKBURN of 48 Prospect-street -- Gateshead
BLACKHALL of 37 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
BLADES of 149 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BLADES of 149 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BLADES of 168 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
BLADES of 168 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
BLAKEY of 11 Walmer-terrace Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
BLAKEY of 21 Tower-street Bensham -- Gateshead
BLANCH of 5 Woodbine-place -- Gateshead
BLAND of 24 Windsor-terrace -- Gateshead
BLAYLOCK of Whitrigg Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BLAYLOCK of Whitrigg Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BLEAZARD of 24 Kelvin-grove -- Gateshead
BLENKINSOP of 117 Split Crow-road -- Gateshead
BLOOMFIELD of 14 Meldon-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
BLYTH of 12 Richmond street -- Gateshead
BLYTH of 12 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
BLYTH of 12 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
BLYTHE of 13 Balfour-street -- Gateshead
BOADEN of 59 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BODDY of 44 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
BODDY of 47 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BODDY of 47 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BODDY of 47 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOGGON of 20 Ely-street -- Gateshead
BOISTON of 25 Wylam-street -- Gateshead
BOLAM of 12 West-street -- Gateshead
BOLAM of 18 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOLAM of 30 Princess-street -- Gateshead
BOLAM of Comogan Wynbury-road Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOLAM of Highdale Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
BOLEYN of 6 Selbome-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 109 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 109 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 20 Monk-street -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 20 Monk-street -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 3 Belle Vue Cottages Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOLTON of 5 Thornlea-gardens -- Gateshead
BOLTON of The Old Cannon Inn Cannon-row Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BONARIUS of 5 Westover Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOND of 47 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BONNER of 86 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
BONO of 42 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
BOOTH of 11 Belle Vue-terrace -- Gateshead
BOSOMWORTH of 15 Brixham-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOTCHERBY of 17 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOTCHERBY of 5 St Edmunds-place -- Gateshead
BOTCHERBY of 51 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BOURNE of 151 Sodhouse-bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BOURNE of 6 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BOUSTEAD of Gray Nags Head Hotel -- Gateshead
BOW of 50 Grasmere-road West -- Gateshead
BOWDEN of 169 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
BOWEN of 110 Nile-street -- Gateshead
BOWLT of 3 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
BOWLT of 3 Oswald-terrace Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BOWMAKER of 302 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 1 Long Bank-road Wrekenton -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 12 Rpdsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 14 Appian-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 23 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 23 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of 38 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BOWMAN of Dene House Selbourne-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOWRAN of Grosvenor Durham-road -- Gateshead
BOWRON of 7 Westfield-terrace -- Gateshead
BOYES of 8 Gainsborough-crescent -- Gateshead
BOYNE of 12 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOYNE of 12 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BOYNE of 22 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRACK of 1 Belmont Kells-lane North Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRADFORTH of 34 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRADLEY of 2 Ord-street -- Gateshead
BRADLEY of 35 Robson-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRADLEY of 6 Allerdene-cottages Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRADLEY of 76 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
BRADSHAW of 151 Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BRADY of 25 Tent-street -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 26 Blyth-terrace -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 30a Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 36 Oak-street -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 43 Riversdale-road -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 88 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
BRAMWELL of 88 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
BRAND of 258 Windsor terrace -- Gateshead
BRANFOOT of 66 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
BRANICHAN of 7 Sheriffs Highway -- Gateshead
BRANNEN of 57 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
BRATTON of 264 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BRAYTON of 32 Briarmede-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRENNAN of 115 Durham-road -- Gateshead
BRENNAN of 115 Durham-road -- Gateshead
BREWIS of 14 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BREWIS of 36 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
BREWIS of 58 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
BREWIS of Han-Lynn 11 Valley-drive -- Gateshead
BRIGGS of 146 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BRIGGS of 168 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BRIGGS of 23 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
BRIGGS of 74 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
BRIGHT of 8 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
BRITTON of 13 Saltmeadows-tertace -- Gateshead
BROADBENT of 13 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRODERICK of 17 Edendale-terrace -- Gateshead
BROOKS of 33 Pinewood-gardens -- Gateshead
BROOKS of 43 Bank-street -- Gateshead
BROOKS of 5 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
BROOMFIELD of 21 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BROOMFIELD of 52 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
BROUGH of 27 Glenbrook-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROUGH of 27 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROUGH of 9 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWELL of 360 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BROWELL of Laverick Hall-gardens Wardley Gateshead 10 -- Gateshead
BROWN of 10 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
BROWN of 118 Peareth-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 12 Onslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 120 Peareth-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 13 Chow Dene Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 13 Fern-gardens Durham-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 14 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 16 Lavender-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 18 Noble-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 19 Ridley-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 2 Laburnum Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 2 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 20 Earlswood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 20 Tennyson-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 237 Cardigan-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 24 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 24 Emily-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 25 Dryden-road North -- Gateshead
BROWN of 27 South-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 273 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 28 Victoria-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 29 Cooper-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 290 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 3 Derwent-Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 30 Haydn-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 30 Haydn-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 32 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 34 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
BROWN of 36 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 37 Elldene-crescent Felling -- Gateshead
BROWN of 37 James-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 40 Grasmere-street-west -- Gateshead
BROWN of 43 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
BROWN of 5 Bnmel-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 5 Curzon-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 54 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 55 Windermere-street West -- Gateshead
BROWN of 6 Evistones-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of 60 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 66 Oakwellgate -- Gateshead
BROWN of 73 Dryden-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 78 Chandlcss-street -- Gateshead
BROWN of 8 Woodbine-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of 81 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
BROWN of 91 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of 98 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
BROWN of ?68 Eighton-terrace -- Gateshead
BROWN of Apsley 27 Elmwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
BROWN of Bromfell Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of Corpus Christie Church Kelvin-grove -- Gateshead
BROWN of Park View Chow Dene Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of Ravensworth View Langdale-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWN of Willstoll Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BROWNLEE of 12 Gainsborough-crescent Carr Hill -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
BROWNLEE of 26 South Hill-road -- Gateshead
BRUCE of 115 Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRUCE of 21 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
BRUCE of 21 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
BRUCE of 36 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
BRUNDLE of East Fellgate Farm Wardley -- Gateshead
BRUNSKILL of 5 Whickham-view Low Fell -- Gateshead
BRYAN of 27 Clare-mont North-avenue -- Gateshead
BRYDON of 217 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
BRYSON of 35 Bryson-gardens -- Gateshead
BRYSON of 4 Askew-toad East -- Gateshead
BRYSON of 80 Durham-road -- Gateshead
BRYSON of 80 Durham-road -- Gateshead
BUCHANAN of 7 Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
BUCKINGHAM of 110 Vine-street -- Gateshead
BUCKTON of 36 Kelvin-grove -- Gateshead
BUDDLES of 13 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BUDDLES of 13 Rqdsley-avenue -- Gateshead
BUDDLES of 63 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
BULLERWELL of 233 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
BULMER of 19 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
BUNGARD of 35 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BUNTING of 12 Heatherdale-terrace Mosside Wrekenton -- Gateshead
BUNYAN of 23 Howard-street -- Gateshead
BURCH of 97 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
BURDESS of 47 Grasmere-street West -- Gateshead
BURDIS of 72 Tower-street -- Gateshead
BURDON of 17 Albert place Low Fell -- Gateshead
BURDON of 21 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
BURGESS of 18 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
BURN of 34 The Drive Hvorth -- Gateshead
BURNETT of 1 Rosebank Cottages Springwell -- Gateshead
BURNHAM of 9 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
BURNLINSON of 23 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
BURNS of 1 Studley-gardens -- Gateshead
BURNS of 211 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
BURNS of 211 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
BURNS of 41 Dixon-street -- Gateshead
BURNS of 67 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
BURNS of 8 Alston-street -- Gateshead
BURNS of Barrington Villa Barrington-place Bensham -- Gateshead
BURRELL of Inglesyde Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BURT of 6 Brixham-avenue Chow Dene Low Fell -- Gateshead
BURT of 6 Brixham-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
BUSH of 6 Belle Vue-terrace -- Gateshead
BUSSEY of 101 Spilt Crow-road -- Gateshead
BUTLER of 6 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
BYRNE of 74 Third-street -- Gateshead
BYRNE of 74 Third-street -- Gateshead
CAFFREY of 47 Wilson-street Teams -- Gateshead
CAIRNS of 17 Howe-street -- Gateshead
CAIRNS of 20 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
CAIRNS of 52 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
CAIRNS of 64 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
CAIRNS of Cemetery House Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
CAISLEY of 81 Raby-street -- Gateshead
CALDWELL of 33 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
CALLAN of 184 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
CALLOWAY of Maidie Vale Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
CALOW of 18 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CALOW of 7 Belle Vue-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
CALVERT of 21 Fenwick-terrace -- Gateshead
CAMERON of South Close Villa 138 Durham-road -- Gateshead
CAMERON of South Close Villa Durham-road -- Gateshead
CAMERON of South Close Villa Durham-road -- Gateshead
CAMOZZI of 11 Stavordale-road -- Gateshead
CAMOZZI of 11 Stavordale-terrace -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 10 Granville-street -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 103 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 27 Baden Powell-street -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 29 Baden Powell-street -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 32 Windsor-terrace Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 85 Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
CAMPBELL of 85 High Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
CANNON of 22 Norwood-gardens -- Gateshead
CAPSTICKS of 58 Bank-street -- Gateshead
CARDIGAN of 4 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CARDINAL of 15 Larne-crescent Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
CARDWELL of 2 St. Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
CARLING of 91 Fullerton-place -- Gateshead
CARNIGHAN of 15 Albany-buildings New Gateshead -- Gateshead
CARR of 16 Buttermere-gardens High Fell -- Gateshead
CARR of 2 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
CARR of 2 West View Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CARR of 337 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
CARR of 6 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
CARR of 62 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
CARR of Glendale 335 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
CARR of Wentworth Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
CARROLL of 11 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CARRUTHERS of 19 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
CARRUTHERS of 243 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
CARRUTHERS of New House Lowerys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
CARRUTHERS of Tinwald 6 Beechwood-gardens Ravensworth Estate -- Gateshead
CARTER of 16 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
CARTWRIGHT of 8 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
CASE of 188 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
CASE of 88 Howe-street -- Gateshead
CASSIDY of 1 Lobelia-avenue -- Gateshead
CASTLE of 66 Queen-streiet -- Gateshead
CAULFIELD of 14 Buttermere-gardens High Fell Estate -- Gateshead
CAVERS of 186 Saltwelkroad -- Gateshead
CAVERS of 186 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
CAWLEY of Cordoba 16 Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHALMERS of 67 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
CHALMERS of 67 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
CHAMBERS of 116 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
CHAMBERS of 52 Rectory-place Bensham -- Gateshead
CHAMBERS of 81 Millway -- Gateshead
CHAMBERS of Deneholmc Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CHANTLER of 16 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 278 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 278 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 313 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 6 Westmorland-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 68 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 93 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
CHAPMAN of 93 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
CHARLETON of 40a Ellison Villas -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 12 Rosewood Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CHARLTON of 120 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 2 Palmers Villas Springwell -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 22 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 288 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 30 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 34 Tennyson-street -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 52 Colville-street -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 7 Egremont-drive -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of 75 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of Hillcrest 12 Musgrave-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of Parkside 13 Salt well-view -- Gateshead
CHARLTON of Roxburgh House Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CHARNOCK of 17 Edward-street -- Gateshead
CHARNOCK of 23 Chelsea Gardens -- Gateshead
CHARNOCK of 23 Chelsea-gardens -- Gateshead
CHARTERS of 36 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
CHATER of 7 Fern-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CHEESERIGHT of 61 Durham-road -- Gateshead
CHERRY of 110 Raby-street -- Gateshead
CHESHER of 55 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
CHILDS of 311 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
CHIPMAN of 236 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
CHISHOLM of 207 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
CHISHOLM of 207 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
CHRISTIE of Whin Rigg 17 Whinlatter-gardens -- Gateshead
CLAGUE of White House High Heworth -- Gateshead
CLARK of 1 Union-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CLARK of 13 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
CLARK of 14 Killowen-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 14 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
CLARK of 14 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
CLARK of 15 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 15 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
CLARK of 166 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
CLARK of 2 Hedley-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 21 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
CLARK of 210 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
CLARK of 23 Moore-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 267 Cardigan-terrace -- Gateshead
CLARK of 29 Raby-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 35 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 48 Rectory Place -- Gateshead
CLARK of 59 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
CLARK of 6 Beaconsfield-crescent -- Gateshead
CLARK of 64 Wylam-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 79 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
CLARK of 89 Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
CLARK of 9 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CLARK of 95 Nile-street -- Gateshead
CLARKE of 14 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
CLARKE of 200 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
CLARKE of 49 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
CLARKE of 49 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
CLAYTON of 120 Broadway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CLAYTON of 221 Durham-road -- Gateshead
CLAYTON of 6 Clayton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
CLEVERLY of 2 Dorothy-street -- Gateshead
CLEVERLY of 2 Dorothy-street -- Gateshead
CLOUGH of 294 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
COATES of 12 Bloomfield-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COATES of 12 Laburnum Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COATES of 155 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
COATES of 89 School-street -- Gateshead
COATES of I Hawthorn-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COATES of Rushmere Windy Nook-road Windy Nook -- Gateshead
COATSWORTH of 37 Heathfield-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COBB of 25 Chater-street -- Gateshead
COBURN of 213 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
COBURN of 213 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
COCKBURN of 10 Thornlea-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COCKBURN of 10 Thornlea-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COCKBURN of 34 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
COCKBURN of 42 Bensham-crescent -- Gateshead
COHEN of 198 Askew-road-west -- Gateshead
COLE of 25 Cumberland-street -- Gateshead
COLE of 55 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
COLE of 9 Roseberry-avenue Deckham -- Gateshead
COLEMAN of 29 King-street -- Gateshead
COLEMAN of 9 Linden-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
COLES of 3 Loraine-terrace -- Gateshead
COLLEY of 4 Earls Dene Low Fell -- Gateshead
COLLINCWOOD of 247 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
COLLINGWOOD of 12 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
COLLINS of 21 Chater-street -- Gateshead
COLLINS of 488 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
COLLINS of 60 Wilson-street -- Gateshead
COLLINSON of 16 Lavender-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COLLYNS of 15 Thames-street -- Gateshead
COLTER of 11 Pilgrimsway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
COLVILLE of 74 Westminster-street Bensham -- Gateshead
CONLEY of 6 Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
CONNELL of 13 Cotfield-street Bensham -- Gateshead
CONNELLY of 90 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
CONNOR of 2a Abbot-street -- Gateshead
CONQUEROR of 275 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
CONWAY of 181 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
CONWAY of 44 Affieck-street -- Gateshead
CONWAY of 44 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 1 Carlton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
COOK of 10 High West-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 13 Harrow-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 21 South Hill-road -- Gateshead
COOK of 27 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 30 Saltwell-road Ben-sham -- Gateshead
COOK of 5 Colville-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 5 Norwood Farm House Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
COOK of 50 First-street -- Gateshead
COOK of 98 High West-street -- Gateshead
COOK of Rosemount 484 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
COOKE of 11 Highfield-road -- Gateshead
COOKSON of 24 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
COOMBES of Warburton House Carr?s Hill -- Gateshead
COOPER of 112 Dixon-street -- Gateshead
COOPER of 114 Broadway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
COOPER of 13 Goschen-street -- Gateshead
COOPER of 142 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
COOPER of 16 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
COOPER of 181 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
COOPER of 2 Onslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COOPER of 23 Co-operative-terrace Windy Nook -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
COOPERWAJTE of 93 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
COPLIN of 83 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
COPPLESTONE of 1 Carlton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
COQUET of Wrentham Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CORBETT of 15 West Park-road -- Gateshead
CORBETT of 17 Pine-street -- Gateshead
CORDON of 17 Norwood Gardens -- Gateshead
CORKER of Highdale Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
CORONER of 29 Southend-terrace Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CORRIGAN of 27 Friars Dene-road -- Gateshead
CORRIGAN of 437 Shirley-terrace -- Gateshead
COULSON of 1 Cramer-terrace -- Gateshead
COULSON of 12 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
COULSON of 18 Chester-place -- Gateshead
COULSON of 22 Bideford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
COULSON of 27 Church-road Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
COULSON of 3 Marian-street -- Gateshead
COULSON of 55 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
COULTER of 167 Westboume-avenue -- Gateshead
COULTHARD of 8 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
COULTHARD of 8 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
COUP of 10 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
COUPLAND of 10 West Park-road -- Gateshead
COUSIN of 127 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
COWAN of 11 Hood-sttreet -- Gateshead
COWAN of 15 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
COWAN of 42 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
COWAN of 43 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
COWAN of 5 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
COWANS of 26 Second-street -- Gateshead
COWE of 385 Beechwood-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
COWE of 45 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
COWE of 45-Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
COWELL of 33 Edward-street -- Gateshead
COWEY of 1 Fielding-place Carr Hill -- Gateshead
COWEY of Kenilworth Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
COWLEY of 339 Elmsgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
COWLEY of 681 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
COX of 18 Baden Powell-street Sheriff Mount -- Gateshead
COXON of 25 Heathfield-road -- Gateshead
COXON of Alwinton Lyndhurst Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRAGGS of 164 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
CRAGGS of 4 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
CRAIG of 26 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
CRAIG of 47 Langton-street -- Gateshead
CRAIG of llBeaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRAME of 44 Frank-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
CRAME of 44 Frank-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
CRAMONQ of 2 Robson-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRANKSHAW of 24 Valley-drive -- Gateshead
CRANKSHAW of Birkdale Durham-road Harlow Green -- Gateshead
CRANNEY of 19 Wilson-street -- Gateshead
CRAVEN of 12 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRAWFORD of 5 Holly Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRAWFORD of I Linden-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
CRAWSHAY of 11 Bensham-crescent -- Gateshead
CRAY of 52 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
CRAY of Derwent Crook Farm -- Gateshead
CRAY of Dykewell House Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
CRESSWELL of 11 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
CRESSWELL of 11 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRESSWELL of 11 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRESSWELL of Ivy Cottage White Mare Pool Wardley -- Gateshead
CRILLEY of 11 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
CRILLEY of 539 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
CRISP of 51 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
CROASDALE of 19 Cherrytree-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRONE of 8 Turnbull-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
CROSIER of 5 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
CROSS of 93 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
CROSSLEY of 105 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
CROSSLEY of 38 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
CROSSLING of 14 Egremont-drive -- Gateshead
CROUCH of 8 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
CROW of 33 Emily-street -- Gateshead
CROW of 43 Hampden-street -- Gateshead
CROW of 46 Albert-street -- Gateshead
CROW of 5 Chater-street -- Gateshead
CROWDY of 93 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
CROWE of 23 Hedley-street Bensham -- Gateshead
CROWE of 4 Lilac Gardens -- Gateshead
CRUDDAS of 3 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRUDDAS of 3 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
CRUICKSHANKS of 144 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
CRUICKSHANKS of 144 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
CULLEY of 32 Wynbury-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
CUMMINGS of 26 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
CUMMINGS of 6a Exeter-street -- Gateshead
CUNDLE of 8 Ely-street -- Gateshead
CUNNINGHAM of 38 Telford-street Bensham -- Gateshead
CURRAN of 8 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
CURRY of 2 Watt-street -- Gateshead
CURRY of 23 Gibson-street -- Gateshead
CURRY of 247 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
CURRY of 29 Park-lane -- Gateshead
CURRY of 49 Broadway Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
CURRY of 6 Woodbine-terrace -- Gateshead
CURTIS of 12 Cyprus Gardens -- Gateshead
CUTHBERT of Rowanlea Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
CUTTER of Fountain Cottage Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAGLISH of 41 Albany-buildings New -- Gateshead
DAGLISH of 48 Albany Buildings -- Gateshead
DALRYMPLE of 3 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
DALRYMPLE of 76 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
DALTON of 24 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
DALTON of 4 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
DANSKIN of 9 Wcstficld-lcrracc Springwcll -- Gateshead
DARGUE of 2 Lilac-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DARKE of 24 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
DAVANY of 1 Armstrong-street -- Gateshead
DAVENPORT of 14 Rosewood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DAVENPORT of 25 Carville-street -- Gateshead
DAVEY of 71 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
DAVIDSON of 27 Leazes-street -- Gateshead
DAVIDSON of Ashleigh Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVIDSON of Ashleigh Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVIDSON of Dykeside Windy Nook-road Windy Nook -- Gateshead
DAVIDSON of Montrose 3 Glendale-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DAVIES of 14 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
DAVIES of 2 Gainsborough -crescent -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DAVIES of 251 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
DAVIES of The Manse Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVIS of 1 Park-lane -- Gateshead
DAVIS of 146 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
DAVIS of 89 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
DAVIS of Wrekenton House Wrekenton -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 1 Kells Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 1 Wesley-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 1 Wesley-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 11 Cleasby-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 14 Glendale Gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 147 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 154 Rawling-road Bensham -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 2 St Edmunds-place -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 2.1 Thames-street -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 21 Brixham-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 21 Thames-street -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 32 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 32 Earlswood-avenue Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
DAVISON of 58 Clasper-street -- Gateshead
DAVISON of Claremont-park -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 10 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 15 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 15 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 23 Hector-street -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 26 Alsiton-street -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 283 Durham-road -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 5 Abbey-street -- Gateshead
DAWSON of 94 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
DAWSON of Caerleon Windynook-road -- Gateshead
DAWSON of Grove House High Teams -- Gateshead
DAWSON of Westwood Cottage Hillcroft Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DAWSON of Westwood-cottage Hillcroft Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DAY of 213 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
DAY of 67 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
DAY of Beverley Ventnor-gardens -- Gateshead
DEAN of 131 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
DEAN of 33 Southend-road -- Gateshead
DEAN of 641 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
DEAN of 75 Abbot-street -- Gateshead
DELAHUNT of 81 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
DELLOW of 144 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
DELLOW of 46 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
DENNINGTON of 175 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
DENNISON of 5 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
DENT of 19 Overhilbterrace -- Gateshead
DENT of Kielder Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
DENT of Kielder Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DENT of Kielder Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DEVLIN of 43 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
DEWING of 1 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
DEWING of 18 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
DEWING of 43 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
DICK of 57 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
DICK of Minsmere Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DICKENSON of 31 Telford-street -- Gateshead
DICKENSON of 31 Telford-street -- Gateshead
DICKIE of 27 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
DICKINSON of 288 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
DICKINSON of 33 Holyoake Gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DICKINSON of Ford House Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
DICKINSON of Tregenna Alverstone-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DICKIVIAN of 16 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DICKSON of 258 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
DICKSON of 278 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
DICKSON of Somerdale 37 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DIETZ of Sunnyridge Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
DINGLE of 3 Walker-terrace -- Gateshead
DINGWALL of 29 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
DINGWALL of 42 Calderwoodctescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
DINGWALL of Carlisle House 4 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
DINNING of 2 Beech Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DINNING of 2 Beech-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DINSDALE of 28 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DINSLEY of 12 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 109 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
DIXON of 11 St Cuthberts-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
DIXON of 11 St. Cuthberts-terrace -- Gateshead
DIXON of 15 Osbome-terrace -- Gateshead
DIXON of 17 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
DIXON of 197 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
DIXON of 20 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
DIXON of 20 Rosewood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
DIXON of 21 Valley-gardens -- Gateshead
DIXON of 22 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
DIXON of 22 Stowell-terrace Heworth -- Gateshead
DIXON of 23 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 34 Walton-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 42 Keswick-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 42 Keswick-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 482 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
DIXON of 50 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
DIXON of 8 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
DIXON of 8 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
DIXON of Glenbrae 460 Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
DIXON of Roughside Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 11 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 20 Dryden-road-north -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 20 Walker-terrace -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 26 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 326 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 4 Victoria-terrace Wrekenton -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 66 Fourth-street Bensham -- Gateshead
DOBSON of 78 Third-street Bensham -- Gateshead
DOBSON of Sunnybank Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DODD of 2a Burn-street -- Gateshead
DODD of 3 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
DODD of 39 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
DODD of 56 Claremont South-avenue -- Gateshead
DODD of 674 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
DODDS of 15 St. Helens-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
DODDS of 167 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
DODDS of 20 Jubilee-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
DODDS of 45 Sheriffs Highway -- Gateshead
DODDS of 6 Vale Mount Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
DODDS of 77 Milling-street -- Gateshead
DODDS of Heworth House High Heworth -- Gateshead
DOLAN of 248 Durham-road -- Gateshead
DOLAN of 27 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
DOLAN of 8 Norwood-gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
DONALDSON of 168 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
DONALDSON of 171 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
DONALDSON of 2 Marian-street -- Gateshead
DONKIN of 12 Ashgrove-tcrrace -- Gateshead
DONKIN of 12 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
DONKIN of 5 Harle-street -- Gateshead
DORAN of 17 Stuart-terrace Felling -- Gateshead
DORMAN of 2 Wakefield-terrace Springwell near -- Gateshead
DORMAN of 2 Wakefield-terrace Springwell near -- Gateshead
DORMAN of 5 Chowdean Bank -- Gateshead
DORMAN of 5 Chowdene Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 1 Dobsons-court -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 146 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 23 Telford-street Bensham -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 23 Telford-street Bensham -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 235a Cardigan-terrace Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 44 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
DOUGLAS of 57? Dixon-stree -- Gateshead
DOUGLASS of 14 Field House-road -- Gateshead
DOVE of 113 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
DOWNIE of 30 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
DOWNIE of The Cottage 16 Alverstone-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
DOWNING of 6 Onslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DOWSON of 295 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
DOWSON of 7 Balmoral-terrace -- Gateshead
DOYLE of 95 Albert-street -- Gateshead
DRUMMOND of 229 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
DRUMMOND of 271 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
DRYDEN of 91 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
DRYDEN of Craigielea Nursing Home Durharn-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
DRYDEN of Shipcote Farm -- Gateshead
DRYSDALE of 21 Winslow Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DUFFY of 266 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
DUGGAN of 428 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
DUMMLER of 134 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
DUMMLER of 9 Kingsboro -terrace -- Gateshead
DUMMLER of 9 Kingsboro-terrace -- Gateshead
DUNCAN of 338 Back High-street -- Gateshead
DUNCAN of 39 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
DUNCAN of 6 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
DUNHAM of 21 Vine-street -- Gateshead
DUNN of 2 Gainsborough-crescent -- Gateshead
DUNN of 2 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
DUNN of 3 Westmorland Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
DUNN of 54 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
DUNN of 64 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
DUNN of 7 Palmer-gardens Wardley -- Gateshead
DUNNIGAN of 25 Kitchener-street -- Gateshead
DURHAM of 18 Burney-villas -- Gateshead
DURKIN of 79 Burdon-street -- Gateshead
DUTHIE of 131 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
DUTHIE of 74 Wynbury-road High Fell -- Gateshead
EASTCOTT of Bloomfield -- Gateshead
EASTCOTT of Endsleigh -- Gateshead
EASTON of 106 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
EASTON of 206 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
EASTON of 46 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
EDEN of 22 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
EDGAR of 100 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
EDMONDSON of 10 Dunrobin-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
EDWARDS of 17 Baden Powell-street -- Gateshead
EDWARDS of 17 Lilac Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
EDWARDS of 269 Wlntchall-road -- Gateshead
EDWARDS of 4 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
EDWARDS of 80 Nile-street -- Gateshead
EDWARDS of Roxby Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ELDER of 107 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
ELDER of 40 Evistone-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELDER of 40 Evistones-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELLERINGTON of 16 Onslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELLIOT of 221 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
ELLIOT of 26 Liddell-terrace Gateshead
ELLIOT of Brinkburn-avenue Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 106 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 12 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 14 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 152 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 180 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 191 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 2 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 2 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 39 Gainsborough-crescent Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 6 Princess-street -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 8 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of 97 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of Hillcroft Wrekenton -- Gateshead
ELLIOTT of Pallinsburn Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ELLIS of 34 Stone-street Windy Nook -- Gateshead
ELLISON of 2 Tynevale-terrace -- Gateshead
ELLISON of 232 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ELLISON of 8 Noble-terrace Gateshead
ELTRINGHAM of Mill House Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
EMBLETON of 130 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
EMBLETON of 16 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
EMERY of 84 Raby-street -- Gateshead
EMiBLETON of 11 Noble-terrace -- Gateshead
EMMET of Back Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 15 Popplewell-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 248 Enfield-terrace -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 28 Mafeking-street -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 3 Carlton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 4 Moore-street -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 44 Haydrnterrace -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of 6 Pilgrims Way -- Gateshead
ENGLISH of T31 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
ENSELL of 20 Lobelia-avenue Old Fold -- Gateshead
ERRINGTON of 48 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
ERWIN of 16 Myrtle-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
ETHERINGTON of 22 Towns-street -- Gateshead
ETHERINGTON of 25 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
EVANS of 110 School-street -- Gateshead
EVANS of 70 Beechwood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
EVANS of Homeby Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
EYNON of 9 Stavordale-terrace Sheriff Mount -- Gateshead
EYTON of 13 Lanthwaite-road -- Gateshead
FAGAN of 23 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
FAID of 25 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
FAIRBAIRN of 36 Caris-street -- Gateshead
FAIRBAIRN of 75 Crossley-terrace Derwent-water-road -- Gateshead
FAIRBRIDGE of 9 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FAIRBURN of 33 Carlton-terrace -- Gateshead
FAIRGRIEVE of 21 AfilecksStfeet -- Gateshead
FAIRLAMB of 117 Westboume-avenue -- Gateshead
FAIRLAMB of 8 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
FAIRLAMB of 8 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
FAIRLAMB of 9 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
FAIRLESS of 10 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
FAIRLESS of 8 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
FAIRNINGTON of 13 West Park-road -- Gateshead
FAIRNINGTON of 213 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
FAIRNINGTON of 250 Askew-road-west -- Gateshead
FAIRNINGTON of 43 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FAIRS of 92 Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
FALCUS of 30 Wharton-street -- Gateshead
FALL of 51 Cumberland-street -- Gateshead
FALL of 51 Cumberland-street -- Gateshead
FALLOW of 174 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
FARBRIDGE of 87 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
FARISH of Dorchester 26 Ashtree-gardens -- Gateshead
FARNSWORTH of 142 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
FARQUHAR of 61 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
FARRELL of 12 Lowreys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
FARRER of 5 Myrtle-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
FARRER of 9 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
FARRER of 9 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
FARROW of 126 Ferne Dene-road -- Gateshead
FARROW of 14 and 16 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
FAULKNER of 1 Bideford Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
FAULKNER of 1 Bideford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
FAUST of 96 Rothbury-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
FAWCETT of 15 Oakwood-avenue Harlow Green -- Gateshead
FAWCETT of 21 Ord-street -- Gateshead
FAWCUS of 180 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
FAWDON of 10 Hector-street -- Gateshead
FEAR of 21 Redheugh Bridge-road -- Gateshead
FEARBY of 25 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
FEARNEYHOUGH of 12 Primrose-hill -- Gateshead
FEATHERSTON of 104 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
FENNELL of 21 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
FENTIMAN of Estoril Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
FENWICK of 123 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
FENWICK of 4 Browns-crescent Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
FENWICK of 4 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
FENWICK of 4 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 1 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 15 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 21 Poplar-crescent -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 5 Appledore-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 72 Vine-street -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of 9 Elizabeth-street -- Gateshead
FERGUSON of Burghfield Grange Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
FERGUSSON of 15 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
FERRY of 20 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
FERRY of 22 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
FERRY of 9 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
FERRY of Fern Villas Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
FERRY of Inglewood Durham-road -- Gateshead
FERRY of Inglewood Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FIFE of 58 Hartington-street -- Gateshead
FILLERY of 13 Oakwood-gardens -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FINDLAY of 18 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
FINDLAY of 18 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
FINDLAY of 287 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
FINLINSON of 93 First-street -- Gateshead
FIRBANK of 12 Evenwood Gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
FIRBY of 72 Victoria-road Teams -- Gateshead
FIRTH of 104 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
FISH of 148 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
FISHER of 134 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
FISHER of 15 Hewson-street Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
FISHER of 5 Berwick-street -- Gateshead
FISHER of 7 Hawthorn Garden Low Fell -- Gateshead
FISHER of Saltwell View -- Gateshead
FLACK of 15 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
FLAVELL of 21 Watson-street Teams -- Gateshead
FLEMING of 118 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
FLEMING of Holmlea 90 Oakfield-road Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
FLETCHER of 233 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
FLETCHER of 47 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
FLETCHER of Lyndhurst Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FLINT of 28 Elderwood-gardens -- Gateshead
FLINT of 46 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
FLINTOFF of 2 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
FLINTOFF of 2 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
FLOWER of 3 Third-street Heworth Colliery -- Gateshead
FLOWERDAY of 18 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
FLOYD of 13 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
FLYNN of 26 St Helen?s-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FOGGAN of 20 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
FOGGETT of 7 Hutton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
FOGGIN of 118 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
FOGGIN of 118 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
FOLKARD of 20 Ell-dene-crescent Felling -- Gateshead
FOOTE of 58 Armstrong-street -- Gateshead
FORBES of 9 Clement-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORD of 13 Woodbine-terrace -- Gateshead
FORD of 21 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
FORD of 21 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
FORD of 21 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
FORD of 24 Greenwich-place -- Gateshead
FORD of 24 Greenwich-place -- Gateshead
FORD of 338 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
FOREMAN of 13 West Park-road -- Gateshead
FORREST of 24 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 118 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 119 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 14 Carlton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 18 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 2 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 21 Mulgrave-terrace -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 21 Rochester-street Gateshead
FORSTER of 24 Dryden-road South Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 24 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 251 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 29 Briermede-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 4 West Park-road -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 46 Camborne-grove Gateshead
FORSTER of 48 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 48 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 6 Crossway -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
FORSTER of 67 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 7 Edward-street -- Gateshead
FORSTER of 71 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
FORSTER of Amside Saltwell-road South Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of Beaconside Low Fell -- Gateshead
FORSTER of Sidney House Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
FORTUNE of 6 Valley-gardens -- Gateshead
FOSTER of 2 Rydal-street -- Gateshead
FOSTER of 2 Rydal-street -- Gateshead
FOSTER of 539 Shirley-terrace -- Gateshead
FOSTER of Maple Dene Heworth -- Gateshead
FOTTRELL of 67 Millway -- Gateshead
FOX of 1 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
FOX of 14 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
FOX of 22 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
FOX of 8 Dryden-road North -- Gateshead
FRANCIS of 18 Kelso-place Teams -- Gateshead
FRANKS of 116 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
FRASER of 112 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
FRASER of 2 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
FRASER of 32 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
FRASER of 6 Calderwood-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FRASER of 7 Harrisons-buildings High Level-road -- Gateshead
FRASER of 7 Harrisons-buildings High Level-road -- Gateshead
FRASER of 7 Harrisons-buildings High Level-road -- Gateshead
FRASER of Shilgrove 5 Windy Nook-road Windy Nook -- Gateshead
FREED of 8 Tynevale-terrace iBensham -- Gateshead
FREEMAN of 106 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
FRENCH of 119 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
FRENCH of 4 Rock-cottages Wrekenton -- Gateshead
FROSSELL of Red House Lodge Durham-road -- Gateshead
FROSSELL of Red House Lodge Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
FROST of 10 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
FROST of 10 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
FRY of 76 Marian-street -- Gateshead
FRYER of 29 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
FRYER of 29 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
FULLERTON of The Old Rectory Sheriff Mount -- Gateshead
FULTON of 31 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FULTON of 31 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
FULTON of 33 Granville-street -- Gateshead
GALBRAITH of 119 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
GALBRAITH of 119 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
GALE of Oakville Musgrave-road -- Gateshead
GALLAGHER of 22 Heatherdale-terrace Wrekenton -- Gateshead
GALLON of 9 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
GALLON of 9 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
GALSWORTHY of 27 Monk-street -- Gateshead
GALSWORTHY of 51 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
GALSWORTHY of 64 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
GAMBLIN of 35 Telford-street -- Gateshead
GARBUTT of 113 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
GARBUTT of 172 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
GARD of 1 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
GARDINER of 5 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARDINER of 88 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
GARDNER of 102 Howe-street -- Gateshead
GARDNER of 13 Derwent-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARDNER of 20 Wesley-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARDNER of 9 Kinfauns-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GARDNER of Callerton House Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARDNER of Callerton House Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARDNER of Callerton House Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GARNETT of 168 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
GATIS of 13 Wood-street Dunston -- Gateshead
GAUL of 91 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
GEDDES of 20 Northway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GEDLING of 12 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
GEDLING of 65 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GEDLING of 65 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GELLEY of 274 Westbourne -avenue -- Gateshead
GELLEY of 8 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
GEORGE of 13 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
GIBB of 13 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 15 Robson-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 153 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 246 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 25 James-street -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 3 Millfield-terrace -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 40 Colville-street -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 48 Belle Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 48 Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 487 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 6 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 64 Sydney-grove Bensham -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 7 St Cuthberts-terrace -- Gateshead
GIBSON of 74 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
GIBSON of Rosehill Kellfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GILBERT of 6 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
GILBERT of 6 Gladstone-terrace -- Gateshead
GILBY of 21 Belle Vue Bank -- Gateshead
GILCHRIST of High Teams Hospital -- Gateshead
GILDER of 10 Lynnholme Gardens -- Gateshead
GILES of 150 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
GILFILLAN of 17 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GILHESPY of 25 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
GILHESPY of 25 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
GILL of 1 Appian-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GILL of 105 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
GILL of 21 Norwood Gardens -- Gateshead
GILL of 21 Norwood-gardens -- Gateshead
GILL of 253 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
GILL of 311 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
GILL of 314 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
GILL of 52 Millway Carr Hill -- Gateshead
GILLENDER of 1 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
GILLENDER of 22 South Hill-road -- Gateshead
GILLENDER of 25 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
GILLENDER of 257 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
GILLEY of 41 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
GILLINGS of 16 Sandringham-terrace -- Gateshead
GILLS of 4 Woodbine-place -- Gateshead
GILROY of 49 Bank-street -- Gateshead
GILROY of 5 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
GILROY of Three Tuns Hotel Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GIREEN of Craigmore Kellfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GLAHOLM of 231 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
GLASGOW of 2 Ellisons-buildings Low Fell -- Gateshead
GLASS of 45 Greenesfield-terrace -- Gateshead
GLENDINNING of 10 Alston-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GLENDINNING of 33 Gainsborough-crescent -- Gateshead
GLOVER of 72 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
GLOVER of la Second-street -- Gateshead
GODDARD of G1 Whitehalhroad -- Gateshead
GOFTON of 10 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
GOLDSTRAW of 26 Elderwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
GOLDTHORP of 40 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
GOLDTHORP of 42 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
GOLIGHTLY of 219 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
GOLIGHTLY of 24 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
GOOD of 17 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
GOODALL of Knollwood Musgrave-road -- Gateshead
GOODFELLOW of 13 Beech wood-gard ens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
GOODFELLOW of 96 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
GOODHEAD of 19 Earlswood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
GOODLEY of Brentwood Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GOODWIN of 11 Spencer-street -- Gateshead
GORDON of 12 Newman-terrace Deckham -- Gateshead
GORDON of 17 Norwood-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
GORMLEY of 74 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
GORRINGE of 6 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
GORRINGE of 6 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
GOSS of 7 Chepstow-gardens -- Gateshead
GOURON of 153 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
GOWANS of 36 Windsor-terrace -- Gateshead
GOWLAND of 14 Cromer-avenue Chow Dene Estate Low Fell -- Gateshead
GOWLAND of 29 Lowerys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
GOWLAND of 587 Durham-road -- Gateshead
GOWLAND of 65 Windy Nook-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GOWLAND of 9 and 11 Wilsons-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRABHAM of Back Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GRACEY of 7 Annie Jane-terrace -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 105 Milling-street -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 111 Split Crow-road Deckham -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 122 Marian-street -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 140 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 18 Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 2 Chapel-row Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 21 Onslow Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 24 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 25 Armstrong-street Bensham -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 31 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 31 Rayleigh-grove -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 32 Hilda-street Bensham -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 5 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 5 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 7 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of 85 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of Bemersyde 35 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
GRAHAM of Eamont (Durham-road -- Gateshead
GRANT of 360 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
GRANT of 50 High West-street -- Gateshead
GRASS of 1 Temple-street Felling -- Gateshead
GRAVES of 32 Chester-place -- Gateshead
GRAY of 115 Fleming-street -- Gateshead
GRAY of 13 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
GRAY of 251 Askew-road -- Gateshead
GRAY of 27 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
GRAY of 27 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
GRAY of 295 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
GRAY of 31 Elmwood Gardens -- Gateshead
GRAY of 37 Fife-street -- Gateshead
GRAY of 42 Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
GRAY of 81 Broadway -- Gateshead
GRAY of Brendon Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRAY of Park View South Chowdene Low Fell -- Gateshead
GREAVES of 47 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GREAVES of 89 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
GREEN of 18 Exeter:street -- Gateshead
GREEN of 2 Renwick-terrace -- Gateshead
GREEN of 32 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
GREEN of 34 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
GREEN of 7 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
GREEN of Brackendene Lodge Belle Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
GREENER of 19 Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
GREENER of 9 Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
GREENER of Red House -- Gateshead
GREENER of Red House Durham-road -- Gateshead
GREENER of Santiago Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
GREENWELL of 10 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
GREENWOOD of 46 Lame-crescent -- Gateshead
GREETHAM of 355 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
GREIG of 313 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
GREIG of 313 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
GREY of 18 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
GREY of 200 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
GREY of 34 Curzon-street -- Gateshead
GREY of Glynwood 355 Durham-road -- Gateshead
GREY of Glynwood 355 Durham-road -- Gateshead
GREY of Hylton Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
GREY of Sunningwell Lyndhurst Estate Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRIEVE of 118 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
GRUNDY of 4 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
GRUNDY of 88 Lichfield-street -- Gateshead
GUTHRIE of 10 Selborne-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
GUTHRIE of Glenbrooke Low Fell -- Gateshead
GUTTENTAG of 8 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
GUY of 235 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HAGGIE of 9 Westboume-avenue -- Gateshead
HAGUE of 16 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
HAIGH of 12 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HAINES of 105 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
HAIR of 7 Third-street -- Gateshead
HAIR of 7 Third-street -- Gateshead
HALBERT of 107 Harle-street -- Gateshead
HALEY of 7 Tynevale-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
HALFORD of 3 Union-place -- Gateshead
HALFORD of 40 Causeway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HALFORD of the Croft Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HALFORD of The Hall Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HALL of 1 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HALL of 108 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
HALL of 12 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
HALL of 120 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 128 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 130 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 17 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
HALL of 19 Ford-street -- Gateshead
HALL of 2 Ravensworth-terrace Team Colliery Lamesley -- Gateshead
HALL of 2 Stone-street Bensham -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HALL of 2 Stone-street Bensham -- Gateshead
HALL of 2 Stone-street Bensham -- Gateshead
HALL of 21 Princess-street -- Gateshead
HALL of 24 Eilwood-gardena -- Gateshead
HALL of 28 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
HALL of 3 Harle-street Mount Pleasant -- Gateshead
HALL of 30 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 30 Roseberry-avenue -- Gateshead
HALL of 33 Pottersway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HALL of 36 Esk-street -- Gateshead
HALL of 375 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 6 Fountain-avenue -- Gateshead
HALL of 64 Forster-street -- Gateshead
HALL of 70 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HALL of 70 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HALL of 81 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HALL of 89 First-street Bensham -- Gateshead
HALL of Bankside 27 Springfield-avenue Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
HALL of Fallow Lea Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HALL of Glen Fruin Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
HALL of Glenside Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HALL of Wiltomede Coniston-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HALLIDAY of 55 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HALLIDAY of 9 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
HAM of 1 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
HAM of 1 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
HAMILTON of 114 Lower Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
HAMILTON of 115 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
HAMILTON of Ambleside Causeway -- Gateshead
HAMLET of 20 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
HAMPER of 24 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
HAMPTON of 3 Tower-street -- Gateshead
HANCILL of Richard Cobden Inn 42 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
HANDY of 9 Lavender-gardens -- Gateshead
HANDY of 9 Lavender-gardens -- Gateshead
HANDY of 9 Lavender-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HANDYSIDE of 1 Sunderland-street -- Gateshead
HANLON of 19 Pottersway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HANN of S Bayfield-gardens -- Gateshead
HANNAH of 33 Moore-street -- Gateshead
HANNINGTON of Engine Cottage Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
HARBOTTLE of 35 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARBRON of Earlswood Earls-drive -- Gateshead
HARDESTY of 12 Princess-street -- Gateshead
HARDING of 19 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARDING of 19 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARDING of 4 Clement-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARDY of 195 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
HARE of 7 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
HARFIELD of 90 Chichester-street -- Gateshead
HARGREAVES of 232 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HARKER of 14 Bank-street -- Gateshead
HARKER of 14 Bank-street -- Gateshead
HARKIS of 124 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HARKIS of 124 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HARKIS of 73 Pottersway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HARLAND of 301 Whitehall-road Bensham -- Gateshead
HARNBY of 110 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
HAROLD of 27 Elswick-street -- Gateshead
HARPER of 14 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HARPER of 7 Whickham-view Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARRIS of 18 Poplar7crescent Gateshead
HARRIS of 243 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HARRIS of 30 Eastwood-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 24 Ross-terrace -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 26 Keswick-street -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 30 Chamwood-gardens Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 32 Melbourtle-street -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 34 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 37 Walton-street -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 48 Ailhusen-terrace -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 523 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
HARRISON of 53 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
HARRISON of Earlswood Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARRISON of Quarry High-street -- Gateshead
HARRISON of Victoria House Wrekenton -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 10 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 2 Carlingford- terrace -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 281 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 281 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 289 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 80 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
HARTLEY of 94 Vine-street -- Gateshead
HARTSHORNE of 35 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HARVEY of 173 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
HARVEY of 281 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
HARVEY of 40 Huxley-crescent -- Gateshead
HASWELL of 644 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HATTLE of 41 Fife-street -- Gateshead
HAUPTMAN of 8 Grainger-street -- Gateshead
HAVERY of 1 Beacon Hill Cottages Wrekenton -- Gateshead
HAWKE of 15 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
HAWKINS of 129 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
HAWKS of 3 Reginald-street -- Gateshead
HAYES of 161 Brinkbum-avenue -- Gateshead
HAYS of 109 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HAYTON of 35 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
HAYTON of 35 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
HAYTON of 50 Bank-street -- Gateshead
HAZELDINE of 10 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
HAZELDINE of 4 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
HEADS of Gleindevon Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HEAPS of 39 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
HEARN of 106 Howe-street -- Gateshead
HEARNE of 10 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
HEATH of 362 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
HEATHERINGTON of 1 MethuCn-street Deckham -- Gateshead
HEATHERINGTON of 411 Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 10 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 161 Askew-road west -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 23 Norwood-gardens -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 25 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 26 St. Helens-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 38 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 4 Clifton-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 69 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
HEDLEY of 7 Catherine-terrace -- Gateshead
HEELEY of 74 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
HEIGHTON of 42 Brussels-street -- Gateshead
HEMSLEY of 1 Springwell-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HENDERSON of 1 Valley-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 106 School-street -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 13 Devon Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 16 Carlton-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 223 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 34 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 40 Denewell-avenue -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 40 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 5 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 54 Claremont-street -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 6 St. Aidans-street -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 6 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 60 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 7 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 7 Summerfield-road -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 79 Oakfield-road Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 9 Glynwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 9 Newton-street Bensham -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of 90 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
HENDERSON of Highbury 357 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENDRIE of 40 Walker-terrace -- Gateshead
HENDRY of 253 Durham-road -- Gateshead
HENDRY of 43 South-street -- Gateshead
HENDRY of 43 South-street -- Gateshead
HENNESSEY of 13 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HENNON of 133 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
HENRY of 7 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
HEPPLE of 7 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
HERBERT of 63 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
HERD of 129 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
HERDMAN of 15 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
HERDMAN of 15 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
HERON of 1 Favells Gate Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
HERON of 322 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
HERON of 86 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
HERTWICK of 11 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
HESLOP of 6 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
HESSEY of 4 Sunderland-street -- Gateshead
HETHERINGTON of 121 Eastbourne-avenue Gateshead 8 -- Gateshead
HETHERINGTON of 319 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
HETHERINGTON of 60 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HETHERINGTON of 7 Beech-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HEWARD of 207 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
HEWSON of 11 Grosvenor-street -- Gateshead
HICK of 48 First-street -- Gateshead
HIGGINS of 12 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
HIGGINS of 14 Northway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HIGGINS of 31 Rose-street -- Gateshead
HIGGINS of The British Queen High-street -- Gateshead
HILDREW of 45 Grasmere-street-west -- Gateshead
HILL of 1 Team Vale Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HILL of 1 Team Vale Villas Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HILL of 15 Southend-terrace Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HILL of 15 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
HILL of 162 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HILL of 23 Rayleigh-grove -- Gateshead
HIND of 112 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
HIND of 5 Granville-street -- Gateshead
HINDMARCH of 50 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
HINDMARSH of 17 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HINDMARSH of 60 Esk-street -- Gateshead
HINDSON of 157 Jefferson Villas High-street Wrekenton -- Gateshead
HINDSON of 161 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
HINDSON of 257 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HINSHELWOOD of 42 Rectory place -- Gateshead
HINSON of 26 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HISTON of 264 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HISTON of Deneholme Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOBDAY of 24 Cromwell-terrace Bill Quay -- Gateshead
HOBSON of 16 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
HODDINOTT of 194 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
HODGKINSON of 53 Hector-street -- Gateshead
HODGKISS of 14 Newall-terrace -- Gateshead
HODGSON of 1 Curzon-street -- Gateshead
HODGSON of 11 Ravensworth-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HODGSON of 4 Harlow Green-lane Wrekenton -- Gateshead
HODGSON of 50 Sunderland-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
HODKINSON of 13 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
HODSON of 451 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HOGG of 13 Gladstone-terrace -- Gateshead
HOGG of 16 Poppleweli-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOGG of 40 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
HOGG of 54 Sutherland-street -- Gateshead
HOGG of 6 King-street Bensham -- Gateshead
HOGG of London and North Eastern Railway Institute Hudson-street -- Gateshead
HOLDEN of 130 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
HOLLAND of 179 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
HOLLAND of 5 Stewart-place -- Gateshead
HOLLAND of 9 Beech-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOLLIDAY of 18 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
HOLLOWAY of 53 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
HOLLYMAN of 127 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 11 Eilison villas -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 16 Warwick-street -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 221 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 23 Marian-street -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 3 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 6 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOLMES of 8 Beverley-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOLROYD of 83 Old Fold-road -- Gateshead
HOLROYD of Cemetery-cottage Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
HOLT of 56 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
HONEY of 30 Avon-street -- Gateshead
HOOD of 27 Gibson-street -- Gateshead
HOPE of 11 Hawthorn-terrace Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
HOPE of 3 Cross-street -- Gateshead
HOPKINS of 223 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
HOPKINSON of 26 Bensham-avenue Bensham road -- Gateshead
HOPKINSON of 26 Bensham-avenue Bensham-road -- Gateshead
HOPPER of 277 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
HORN of 9 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
HORNER of 16 Strathmore-road -- Gateshead
HORNSBY of 69 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
HORWITCH of 10 Half Moon-lane -- Gateshead
HOSEASON of 171 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
HOTCHKISS of 63 Walton-street -- Gateshead
HOURSTON of 25 Springfxeld-avenue Eighton Banks Wrekenton -- Gateshead
HOUSE of 57 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
HOUSE of 57 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
HOWARD of 24 Pilgrims-way Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HOWARD of 44 Claremont South-avenue -- Gateshead
HOWCROFT of 23 Myrtle-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOWCROFT of 23 Myrtle-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOWE of 144 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
HOWE of 16 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
HOWE of 18 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
HOWE of 29 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOWE of 30 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOWE of 340 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
HOY of 138 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HOY of 21 Ravensdale-cresccnt Low Fell -- Gateshead
HOY of 21 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUBBARD of 29 Hector-street -- Gateshead
HUBBUCK of 8 Granville-street -- Gateshead
HUDSON of 17 Bur- don-street Gateshead
HUDSON of 2 Derwent-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUDSPETH of 38 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
HUDSPITH of 267 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
HUDSPITH of Roxburgh House Sodhouse Bank -- Gateshead
HUDSPTH of 25 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUGHES of 1 St Cuthberts-terrace -- Gateshead
HUGHES of 232 Askew-road West -- Gateshead
HUGHES of 97 Howe-street -- Gateshead
HUGILL of 17 Deneside-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUGILL of 19 The Crescent -- Gateshead
HULL of 343 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
HUMBLE of 7 Warwick-street -- Gateshead
HUME of 19 Ellwood-gardens Shipcote Estate -- Gateshead
HUME of 48 Holyoake-gardens Shipcote -- Gateshead
HUME of 68 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
HUMPHREY of 55 West-street -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 118 Claremont-street -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 12 Melrose-avenue Low Fell Gateshead
HUNTER of 13 Primrose-hill Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 172 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 187 Sunderland-road Gateshead
HUNTER of 19 Cramer-street Gateshead
HUNTER of 21 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 21 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 211 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 25 Leazes-street -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 36 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 43 St Aidans-street -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 69 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 71 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 73 Dunsmuir-grove Gateshead
HUNTER of 8 Westover-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUNTER of 85 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
HUNTER of Cherry Tree Cottages Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
HUNTINGTON of 118 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
HUNTLEY of 10 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
HURST of 118 School-street -- Gateshead
HURST of 4 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
HURST of 53 Dorothy-street -- Gateshead
HURST of Wynlaton 97 Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 11 Belmont-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 11 Gainsborough-crescent -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 154 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 16 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 20 Alston-street Bensham -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
HUTCHINSON of 33 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 36 Beaconslield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 47 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 6 Hadrian-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of 81 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
HUTCHINSON of Netherby House Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
HUTCHISON of 66 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
HUTCHISON of Seaford Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
HYMERS of 23 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
HYSLOP of 22 Kingsborough-terrace -- Gateshead
ILLSTON of 43 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
IMRIE of 32 Chepstow Gardens -- Gateshead
INGLIS of 16 Keswick-street -- Gateshead
INGLIS of 5 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
INGWORTH of 140 Vine-street Teams -- Gateshead
INKSON of 151 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
INNES of 16 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
INNESS of 24 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
INNESS of 7 Kinfauns-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
IREDALE of 47 Durham-road -- Gateshead
IRELAND of 234 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
IRVINE of 30 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
IRVING of 20 Cramer-terrace -- Gateshead
IRVING of 47 Clarke-streot -- Gateshead
IRWIN of 21 Baden-Powell-street -- Gateshead
IRWIN of 22 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
IRWIN of 7 Deckham-place -- Gateshead
IVESON of 18 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
JACK of 6 Bude Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
JACK of 67 Howe-street -- Gateshead
JACKSON of 108 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
JACKSON of 174 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
JACKSON of 26 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
JACKSON of Hylton House Coatsworth-road Gateshead
JACKSON of Zeerust 14 Dryden-road North -- Gateshead
JAMES of 10 Light Pipe-row Springwell -- Gateshead
JAMES of 102 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
JAMES of 102 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
JAMES of 22 Chester-place Bensham -- Gateshead
JAMES of 241 Durham-road -- Gateshead
JAMES of 60 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
JAMES of 60 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
JAMESON of 26 Monarch-terrace -- Gateshead
JARDINE of 23 Rosewood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
JARDINE of 35 Raby-street -- Gateshead
JARDINE of 37 Windy Nook-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
JARRON of 329 Derwentwater-road Low Teams -- Gateshead
JARVIE of Wishaw House Durham-road -- Gateshead
JEFFERSON of 5 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
JEFFERSON of 51 Gainsborough-crescent Sherriff Hill -- Gateshead
JEFFERSON of 59 South-street -- Gateshead
JEFFERSON of 66 Snowball-terrace -- Gateshead
JEFFREY of 29 Cragside-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
JEFFREY of 84 Morris-street Teams -- Gateshead
JEFFREY of Norwood Farm Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
JENKINSON of 12 Smith-terrace Teams -- Gateshead
JENNINGS of 10 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
JENNINGS of 6 Arthur-street -- Gateshead
JENNINGS of 8 Burdon-street -- Gateshead
JENNINGS of 90 Snowball-terrace -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
JEPSON of 12 Bayfield-gardens -- Gateshead
JEPSON of 2 Ferry-terrace Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOBLING of 1 Long Bank-road Wrekenton -- Gateshead
JOBLING of 1 Long Bank-road Wrekenton -- Gateshead
JOBLING of 6 Queen-street -- Gateshead
JOBSON of 194 Queen Anne-terrace -- Gateshead
JOBSON of 30 Second-street -- Gateshead
JOBSON of 39 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
JOBSON of 54 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
JOBSON of 60 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 130 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 130 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 137 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 18 Lyriholme-gardcns Shipcote -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 191 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 209 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 21 Chamber-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 25 Eilwood Gardens -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 279 Lansdowne-terrace -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 279 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 3 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 30 Evistone-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 33 Kingsborough-terrace -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 332-334 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 4 Hubert-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 40 Eastwood-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 46 South Hill-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 50 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 55 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 68 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 68Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 70 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 8 Annie Jane-terrace -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 8 York-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 87 Brussels-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of 93 Kingston-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of Arladale Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOHNSON of Norwood Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of 14 Wylam-street -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of 17 John-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of 26 Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of 38 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of 77 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of F ernleigh Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of II Clayton-terrace Windy Nook -- Gateshead
JOHNSTON of Onchan Ashtrees-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOICEY of Beacon Lough Low Fell -- Gateshead
JOLLY of 69 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
JONES of 19 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
JONES of 248 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
JONES of 40 Walton-street -- Gateshead
JONES of 40 Walton-street The Teams -- Gateshead
JONES of 47 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
JONES of Branksome 365 Durham-road -- Gateshead
JONES of Sand Mill House Windy Nook-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
JORDAN of 20 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
JORDAN of Branksome Durham-road -- Gateshead
JOURS of 21 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
JOURS of Whinfell Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
JUDE of 91 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KANE of 3 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
KANE of 3 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
KANE of 32 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
KANE of 32 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
KANE of Crathie Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
KANE of Rock Cottages Wrekenton -- Gateshead
KAPP of 3 Walker-terrace -- Gateshead
KAY of 3 Liddell-terrace Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
KEAY of 3 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
KEEN of 25 Winslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
KEENLEYSIDE of Elm Ridge Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
KELL of 10 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
KELL of 152 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
KELL of 23 James-street -- Gateshead
KELL of 76 Third-street -- Gateshead
KELLEY of 48 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
KELLY of 52 The-avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
KELLY of 6 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
KELLY of 6 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
KELLY of 6 Macadam-street -- Gateshead
KEMP of 11 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
KENNEDY of 111 Milling-street -- Gateshead
KENNEDY of 16 Dryden-road South Low Fell -- Gateshead
KENNEDY of 27 Kelvin-grove -- Gateshead
KENNEDY of 27 Walton-street -- Gateshead
KENNEDY of 271 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
KENNETT of 18 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
KENT of 251 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
KERR of 16 Hood-street -- Gateshead
KERR of 30 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
KERR of 50 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
KETTLE of 114 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
KIDD of 134 Brinkbum-avenue -- Gateshead
KING of 27 Edward-street -- Gateshead
KING of 65 John-street -- Gateshead
KINNAIRD of 7 Winslow Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
KIRBY of 149 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
KIRBY of 2 Emierdale Gardens High Fell -- Gateshead
KIRBY of 26 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
KIRK of 191 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
KIRKLAND of 2b Chandless-street -- Gateshead
KIRKLEY of 2 Beech Wood Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
KIRKLEY of 2 Beechwood Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
KIRKPATRICK of 19 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
KIRKPATRICK of 45 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
KIRKPATRICK of 85 James-street -- Gateshead
KIRKUP of 2 Oxberry Gardens Windy Nook -- Gateshead
KIRKUP of 49 Windermere-street-west -- Gateshead
KIRKUP of 9 Co-operative-terrace Windy Nook -- Gateshead
KIRKUP of 99 Harle-street -- Gateshead
KIRSOPP of 36 Gladstone-terrace -- Gateshead
KIRTON of 20 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
KIRTON of 83 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
KNIGHT of 238 Ravensworth-road Dunston -- Gateshead
KNIGHT of 26 Raby-street -- Gateshead
KNIGHT of 345 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
KNIGHT of 8 West Park-road -- Gateshead
KNOTT of 63 Oak-street -- Gateshead
KNOTT of 7 Southway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
KNOX of 35 Robson-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
KNOX of 7 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
KYLE of 1 Roseville Bensham -- Gateshead
LAIDLER of 127 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAIDLER of 191 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LAIDLER of 21 Milvain-street -- Gateshead
LAKE of 210 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
LAMB of 10 Stratford Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAMB of 26 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAMB of 33 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
LAMB of Holmbury Lyndhurst-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAMB of Thornleigh Church-road -- Gateshead
LAMBERT of 1 North View Kells-lane North Low Fell -- Gateshead
LANCASTER of 5 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
LANCASTER of 570 Claremount-south-avenue -- Gateshead
LANDLESS of 145 Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
LANE of 28 Mafeking-street -- Gateshead
LANE of 32 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
LANG of 57 Monk-street -- Gateshead
LANG of 57 Monk-street -- Gateshead
LANGDON of 2 Chow Dene-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
LANGLEY of 65 Marian-street -- Gateshead
LANGTON of 103 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
LARKE of 37 Haydn-street -- Gateshead
LARKIN of 52 Askew-road-east -- Gateshead
LARVIN of 65 Albert-street -- Gateshead
LAUDER of 145 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
LAUDER of 145 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
LAUDERDALE of 29 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
LAVERTY of 50 Watt-street -- Gateshead
LAWRENCE of 18 Granville-street -- Gateshead
LAWS of 13 Beech Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAWS of 68 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
LAWS of Bidston Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 115 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 12 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 12 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 14 Walton-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 157 Bewick-road-west -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 2 Belle-Vue-cottages Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 31 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 56 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
LAWSON of 62 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
LAWSON of Auckland House Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAWSON of Auckland House Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAWTHER of 8 Baden Powell-street -- Gateshead
LAYBOURN of 108 Whitehafl-road -- Gateshead
LAYBOURN of 108 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LAYBOURN of 108 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LAYTON of 11 Myrtle-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
LAZENBY of 45 Essex Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEADBEATER of 15 Appian-place -- Gateshead
LEADBEATER of 15 Appian-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
LEATH of la Bells Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEE of 157 Diyden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEE of 3 Holly-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEE of 43 Fountain-avenue Durham-road -- Gateshead
LEE of 64 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LEE of 7 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
LEE of Dunholme 26 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
LEECH of 4 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LEECH of 4 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
LEGENDER of 1 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
LEMON of 42 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
LENG of 7 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
LENNOX of 17 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
LESLIE of 36 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
LETCH of 12 Cypress-road Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
LEVENE of 14 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
LEWIS of 12 Selbome-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEWIS of 4 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
LEWIS of 49 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
LEWIS of 7 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
LIDDELL of 126 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LIDDELL of 14 Grasmere-street Gateshead
LIDDELL of 29 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
LIDDELL of 3 Edison-gardens -- Gateshead
LIDDELL of 4 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell Gateshead
LIDDELL of 5 Victoria-terrace Low Fell Gateshead
LIDDELL of 59 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
LIDDLE of 6 Lynnholme-gardens -- Gateshead
LIDDLE of Lyndhurst House Whickham-road Sunniside -- Gateshead
LIDDLE of Sugar Well Cottage Springwell -- Gateshead
LIGHT of 6 Arkwright-street Bensham -- Gateshead
LIGHTFOOT of 229 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
LIGHTLEY of 49 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LILLEY of 12 Bude-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LISTER of 20 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
LISTER of 37 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
LITSTER of 276 Salawell-road -- Gateshead
LITTLE of 3 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
LITTLE of 4 Woods-terrace Deckham -- Gateshead
LITTLE of 6 Abbey-street -- Gateshead
LITTLEFAIR of Ivy View Long Bank Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
LIVINGSTON of 206 Askew-road-west -- Gateshead
LIVINGSTON of 27 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LIVINGSTON of 9 South Hill-road Bensham -- Gateshead
LLOYD of 4 Durham-terrace -- Gateshead
LLOYD of 60 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
LOCK of 225 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
LOCKE of 79 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
LODGE of 11 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
LODGE of 25 Hutt-sitreet -- Gateshead
LOFTUS of 9 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
LOGAN of 424 Lobley-hill -- Gateshead
LONGSTAFF of 142 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
LONGSTAFF of 35 Cramer-terrace -- Gateshead
LOONEY of 15 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LORRAINE of 103 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
LORRAINE of 116 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
LOVE of 8 Bartram Gardens -- Gateshead
LOW of 10 Thomwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
LOWE of 13 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
LOWE of 18 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
LOWERSON of 224 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
LOWERSON of 224 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
LOWERY of 34 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
LOWERY of 6 Allerdene Cottages -- Gateshead
LOWES of 120 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
LOWES of 15 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
LOWES of 6 Ravenswor th-terrace -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
LOWES of 6 Ravensworth-avenue -- Gateshead
LOWOEN of 63 Claremont South-avenue -- Gateshead
LOWSON of 6 Chow Dene-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUCAS of 147 Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
LUCKMAN of 3 South-street -- Gateshead
LUMLEY of 13 Clement-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUMLEY of 20 Lanthwaite-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUMLEY of 25 Cromwell-terrace -- Gateshead
LUMLEY of 25 Cromwell-terrace -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 14 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 17 Ashtrees Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 208 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 22 Regent-terrace -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 3 Norwood-gardens -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of 394 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of Beaumont Lyndburst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUMSDEN of Dartmouth Lodge Low Fell -- Gateshead
LUNN of Heathfield Durham-road -- Gateshead
LUNN of Heathfield Durham-road -- Gateshead
LUTON of 7 Crossway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
LYNN of 18 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
LYNN of 25 Greensfield-terrace -- Gateshead
LYONS of 18 Ellison-square -- Gateshead
LYTTON of 6 Gordon-street -- Gateshead
MACCOY of Springfield Durham-road -- Gateshead
MACDONALD of 35 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
MACDONALD of 9 Holyoake Gardens -- Gateshead
MACDONALD of 9 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
MACFARLANE of 3 Dene-gardens Pelaw-on-Tyne -- Gateshead
MACFARLANE of 98 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
MACHARG of 36 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MACK of 351 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
MACKAY of 120 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
MACKENDRICK of 38 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MACKERETH of 16 Queen-street -- Gateshead
MACKEY of 34 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
MACKIN of 2 Hutt-street Bensham-road -- Gateshead
MACKIN of 2 Hutt-street Bensham-road -- Gateshead
MACKIN of 2 Hutt-street Bensham-road -- Gateshead
MACKIN of 5 South-street -- Gateshead
MACKINLAY of 27 Egremont-drive Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MACPHERSON of 263 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
MACRO of 311 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
MADDEN of 17 Eldon-street -- Gateshead
MADDEN of 36 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
MADDISON of 26 Chichester-street -- Gateshead
MADDISON of 33 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
MADDOCK of 54 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MAGUIRE of 11 Woodbine-place -- Gateshead
MAJOR of 29 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
MAKEPEACE of 227 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
MAKEPEACE of 8 Hawthorn-gardens -- Gateshead
MALCOLM of 212 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
MANLEY of 59 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
MANN of 12 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
MANN of 19 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MANN of 5 Dixon-street -- Gateshead
MANNERS of 169 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MANNING of 45 Raby-street -- Gateshead
MARCH of 15 Field House-road -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MARCH of 15 Field House-road Bcnsham -- Gateshead
MARKS of 10 Poplar-crescenit -- Gateshead
MARKS of 7 Greensfield-terrace -- Gateshead
MARR of 20 Thomwood-gardens -- Gateshead
MARR of Coach-road Ravensworth -- Gateshead
MARRIOTT of 55 Oakfield-road Loblev Hill -- Gateshead
MARSDEN of 12 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 101 Dry den-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 114 School-street -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 247 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 46 Arkwright-street Bensham -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 56 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 6 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of 9 Woodbine-terrace -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of Charlton House Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARSHALL of Chow Dene Hall Farm Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 2 Leyton-place -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 30 Newman-terrace -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 5 Belle Vue-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 84 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 93 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MARTIN of 93 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MARTINDALE of 66 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
MARWICK of 13 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
MASON of 11 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
MASON of 135 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
MASON of 16 Dewhurst-terrace Sunniside -- Gateshead
MASON of 25 Co-operative-terrace Windy Nook -- Gateshead
MASON of 259 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MASON of 28 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
MASON of 4 Glynwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MASON of 42 Millway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MASON of 7 Nelson-street -- Gateshead
MASON of St James Rectory Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
MASSEY of 24 Park-lane -- Gateshead
MASTERMAN of 2 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
MATFIN of 91 Cambome-grove -- Gateshead
MATHER of 24 Hilda-street -- Gateshead
MATHER of 34 Belle Vue-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MATHER of Credwood Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MATSON of 27 Potters Way Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MAUGHAM of 21 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
MAUGHAN of 55 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
MAUGHAN of 80 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
MAYALL of 14 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MAYER of 30 Cramer-terrace -- Gateshead
MAYFIELD of 3 Back Clavering-street -- Gateshead
MAYHEW of 48 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
MAYNE of 200 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
McADAM of 145 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
McADAM of 27 York-street -- Gateshead
MCALLISTER of 85 Cambourne-grove -- Gateshead
McCALLUM of 8 Ridley-street -- Gateshead
McCAREY of 296a Victoria-road -- Gateshead
MCCARTHY of 3 Ravensworth-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
McCLUSKEY of 15 St James-road -- Gateshead
McCOACH of 339 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MCCORMACK of 61 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
MCCRINDLE of 60 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
MCCULLOCH of 18 Myrtle-grove -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MCCULLOUGH of 55 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
McCUTCHEON of 4 Charnwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MCDONALD of 28 Ascot-crescent Bensham -- Gateshead
MCDONALD of 93 Dry den-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MCENANEY of 31 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
McFALL of 191 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
McGEORGE of 2 Otterburn-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
McGHEE of 18 Bronte-street -- Gateshead
McGHEE of 189 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
McGILL of 25 Hillfield-street -- Gateshead
MCGIVERN of 145 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
McGOUGH of 19 Brussels-street -- Gateshead
MCGREGOR of 8 Highcliffe-gardens Deckham -- Gateshead
McGUIRE of 81a Bewick-road -- Gateshead
McKAY of 8 Newman-terrace -- Gateshead
McKAY of 8 Newman-terrace -- Gateshead
McKEE of 48 Cromwell-street -- Gateshead
MCKENZLE of 9 Cambourne-grove -- Gateshead
MCKIE of 112 Glaremont-street -- Gateshead
MCKIE of Deepdale Lyndhurst Low Fell -- Gateshead
MCKIE of Deepdale Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
MCLEAN of 1 Pleasant-row Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MCLEAN of 2 Rose-street -- Gateshead
MCLEAN of 9 Cross-street -- Gateshead
MclNNES of 13 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
MclNTYRE of 5 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
McMAHON of 2 Hall-terrace -- Gateshead
MCMAHON of 21 Eaton-terrace -- Gateshead
McMANUS of 32 Burn-street -- Gateshead
MCNALL of 136 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
McNALL of 19 Essex Gardens -- Gateshead
McNAUGHTON of 37 Westover-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
MCNEIL of 122 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
MCNEIL of 122 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
MCNEILL of The Ministry of Pensions Hospital Dunston Hill -- Gateshead
MCPHERSON of 22 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
McPHERSON of 24 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
McPHERSON of 24 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
McQUEEN of 23 Hartington-street -- Gateshead
McSHANE of 12 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
McSHANE of 12 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
McWHIRTER of Armagh House Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MEDLER of 114 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
MEEK of 22 Hdlybake gardens -- Gateshead
MEGORAN of 16 Ely-street -- Gateshead
MENTON of 6 Chester-place Bensham -- Gateshead
MENTZ of 2a Rectory-place Bensham -- Gateshead
MENZIES of 155 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
MERCER of 21 Dryden-road North -- Gateshead
MERRILEES of 33 Essex Gardens -- Gateshead
MERRIMAN of 79 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
MERRITT of 126 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
METCALFE of 38 Millway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
METCALFE of 8 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
METCALFE of 8 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
MEWES of 3 Sandown-gardens -- Gateshead
MIDDLEMISS of 19 AfeSey-street -- Gateshead
MIDDLEMISS of 73 Sidney Grove Bensham -- Gateshead
MIDDLETON of 10 Grantham-drive -- Gateshead
MIDDLETON of 16 Oakwood-avenue Harlow Green Low Fell -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MIDDLETON of 16 Oakwood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MIDDLETON of 285 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
MIDWOOD of 34 Monarch-terrace Deckham -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 1 Beechwood Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 1 Earlswood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 15 Telford-street -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 17 Pottersway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 41 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
MILBURN of 68 Moore-street -- Gateshead
MILLER of 144 Sodhouse-bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
MILLER of 15 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILLER of 16 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILLER of 24 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILLER of 24 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
MILLER of 280 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
MILLER of 3 Ord-street -- Gateshead
MILLER of 341 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
MILLER of 42 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
MILLER of 6 Windy Nook-road -- Gateshead
MILLER of 9 Shipcote-lane -- Gateshead
MILLICAN of 8 Lavender-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
MILLIGAN of 8-10 Ord-street -- Gateshead
MILMINE of 38 Haydn-street -- Gateshead
MILNE of 154 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MILNE of 46 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
MILNE of Waverley House Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MILNER of Ramshaw Valley-drive Dunston -- Gateshead
MINGINS of 74 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
MINTO of 10 Westboume-avenue -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of 114 School-street -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of 3 Sandown-gardens -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of 37 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of 38 Askew-road West -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of 38 Askew-road West -- Gateshead
MITCHELL of Tor-Mhor Kellfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MITCHESON of 18 James-street -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 23 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 23 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 29 South-street -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 5 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 5 West Park-road -- Gateshead
MITCHINSON of 7 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
MlLBURN of 25 Cato-street -- Gateshead
MOAD of 32 Redesdale-gardens Dunston -- Gateshead
MODERATE of 38 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
MOFFAT of 12 Queen-terrace -- Gateshead
MOFFATT of 29 Brixham-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOFFITT of 9 School-street -- Gateshead
MOIR of 8 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
MOLE of 62 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOLE of 62 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOLEOD of 52 Lichfield-street -- Gateshead
MOLLOY of 38 Chandos-street -- Gateshead
MONAGHAN of 29 Peareth-street -- Gateshead
MONCRIEFF of 87 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
MONCRIEFF of 87 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
MONKHOUSE of 1 Lavender-gardens -- Gateshead
MONKHOUSE of 40 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
MOODIE of 6 Renwick-terrace -- Gateshead
MOODY of 4 Fife-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
MOON of 12 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MOON of 667 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOON of Braebank Durham-road -- Gateshead
MOOR of 133 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
MOORE of 1 First-street -- Gateshead
MOORE of 10 Telford-street -- Gateshead
MOORE of 16 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOORE of 17 Carrick-street -- Gateshead
MOORE of 207 Wilberforce-terrace -- Gateshead
MOORE of 30 Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
MOORE of 42 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
MOORE of 42 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOORE of 63 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
MOORE of 70 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
MOORE of Whinney House Lodge Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOORHOUSE of 2 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
MORGAN of 8 Mafeking-street -- Gateshead
MORGAN of 8 Mafeking-street -- Gateshead
MORGETROYD of 151 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
MORLEY of 26 Langton-street -- Gateshead
MORRIS of 11 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
MORRIS of 28 Cumberland-street -- Gateshead
MORRISON of 18 Lowerys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
MORRISON of 19 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
MORRISON of 5 Wensleydale-terrace -- Gateshead
MORROW of 110 Kingston-road Deckham -- Gateshead
MORSON of 3 Rosewood-gardens High Fell -- Gateshead
MORTIMER of 197 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
MORTLEY of Burghfield Grange Lobley Hill- road Bensham -- Gateshead
MOSS of 130 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
MOSSMAN of 65 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
MOSSMAN of 8 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
MOUL of 330 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MOWBRAY of Hazel House Carr Hill-road Windy Nook -- Gateshead
MUDD of 9 Kempton-gardens -- Gateshead
MUIR of 101 Ferndene-road Bensham -- Gateshead
MULHALL of 35a James-street -- Gateshead
MULLANEY of 20 Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
MULLEN of 25 Langton-street -- Gateshead
MULLEN of 35 Ellison-street -- Gateshead
MULLOY of Curryane-beg Kells-lane North Low Fell -- Gateshead
MUNCASTER of 16 Prospect-terrace Eighton Banks Wrekenton -- Gateshead
MUNDAY of 25 Swinburne-street -- Gateshead
MUNN of 211 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
MUNRO of 274 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
MURPHY of 24 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
MURPHY of 27 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
MURRAY of 37 Monarch-iterrace -- Gateshead
MURRAY of 4 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
MURRAY of 4 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
MURRAY of Northland Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
MURRAY of Woodlands West Park-road -- Gateshead
MUSGROVE of 8 Renwick-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
MUTCH of 40 Firwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
MYERS of Elmsyde Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
NANSON of Lindum House Durham-road -- Gateshead
NANSON of Lindum House Durham-road -- Gateshead
NEIL of 199 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
NESBITT of 23 Maffikin-street -- Gateshead
NESBITT of 3 Bowes-crescent Springwell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
NESBITT of 32 Heworth Burn-crescent Felling -- Gateshead
NESS of 76 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
NEWALL of 52 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
NEWALL of 52 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
NEWBY of 27 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
NEWBY of 7 Harcourt Park Low Fell -- Gateshead
NEWMAN of 3 Charnwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 117 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 342 Reotory-rbad -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 364 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 48 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 55 Bensham-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 55 Bensham-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 60 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
NEWTON of 8 and 10 Rochester-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 16 Burney Villas Mount Pleasant -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 16 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 16 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 16 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 6 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 6 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 6 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
NICHOL of 6 Kinfauns-terraceLow Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLS of 18 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLS of Park View 18 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 11 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 139 Alexander-road -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 294 Park-road -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 3 Durham-terrace -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 4 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 4 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 41 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 41 Wesley-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 52 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 52 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 81 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 90 Beverley-road -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 90 Beverley-road -- Gateshead
NICHOLSON of 96 Brusels-street -- Gateshead
NIXON of 28 Bensham-crescent -- Gateshead
NIXON of 9 Somerset-street -- Gateshead
NIXON of 95 Claremont-street -- Gateshead
NIXON of Fell House Springwell -- Gateshead
NIXON of Water Works Cottages Ash-street -- Gateshead
NOBLE of 22 Aintree-gardens -- Gateshead
NOBLE of 3 Beacon Hill Cottages Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
NOBLE of 37 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
NOBLE of 87 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
NOBLE of Orchard-villas Springwell near -- Gateshead
NORCLIFFE of 36 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
NORMAN of 28 Dryden-road North -- Gateshead
NORMAN of 2a Rectory-place -- Gateshead
NORMAN of 354 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
NORTHEY of 9 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
NUNN of 15 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
O'FARRELL of 12 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
O'HARA of 13 Rosewood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
O'HARA of 25 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
O'HARE of 12 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
O'HARE of 12 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
O'KANE of 102 St James-road -- Gateshead
O'MAHGNY of 61 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
O'NEILL of 27 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
O'REILLY of 6 Wood-terrace Bill Quay -- Gateshead
OGDEN of 39 Sandy-lane Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
OLDFIELD of 167 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 1 Beaconsfield-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 10 Abbey-street -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 12 Sandown Gardens -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 217 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 22 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 226 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 244 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 311 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 52 Second-street Bensham -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 56 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 65 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 65 Cemetery-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 69 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 70 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
OLIVER of 85 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ONIONS of 39 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
ORD of 19$ Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ORD of 39 Backfield-street -- Gateshead
ORD of 8 Hall-terrace -- Gateshead
ORMSTON of Marbury Lyndhurst-drive -- Gateshead
ORRELL of 221 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ORWIN of 18 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
OSBORNE of 64 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
OWEN of 39 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
OWENS of 31 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
OXBERRY of 21 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
OXBERRY of White Hill High Heworth -- Gateshead
OXLEY of 36 Sandy-lane Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
OXLEY of 36 Sandy-lane Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
PALMER of 1 Alderley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PALMER of 200 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
PALTON of 32 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
PAPE of Ashfield Lodge East Park-road -- Gateshead
PARAMOR of Lindum View Lindum-road -- Gateshead
PARKER of 134 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
PARKER of 134 Brighton-road Bensham -- Gateshead
PARKER of 139 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
PARKER of 14 Princess-street -- Gateshead
PARKER of 147 twell-road Bensham -- Gateshead
PARKER of 169 Old Durham-read -- Gateshead
PARKER of 40 Raby-street -- Gateshead
PARKER of 9 Burt-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
PARKER of 98 First-street Bensham -- Gateshead
PARKER of 98 First-street Bensham -- Gateshead
PARKER of l9 Newton-street Bensham -- Gateshead
PARKIN of 27 Mulgrave-terrace -- Gateshead
PARKIN of 7 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
PARKIN of 8 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
PARKINSON of 11 Bellevue-terrace -- Gateshead
PARKINSON of 6 and 7 Wilson-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
PARKINSON of 76 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PARKINSON of Hawthorn House Sheriff Hill Gateshead
PARNABY of 16 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
PARSLOW of 95 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PATCHETT of 1 Millway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PATERSON of 15 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATRICK of 1 Beech-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATRICK of 238 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
PATRICKThomas of 238 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
PATTEN of 13 Cleasby Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 12 Telford-street -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 16 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 16 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 167 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 229 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 24 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 31 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 39 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 5 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 72 Third-street -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of 8 Sedgwick-place -- Gateshead
PATTERSON of Ornsby Cottage Sunniside -- Gateshead
PATTINSON of 5 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
PATTINSON of 6 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTINSON of 71 Askew-road-east -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 15 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 209 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 222 Eastbojurne-avenue -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 23a Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 4 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 46 Belle Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 70 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
PATTISON of 72 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
PAXTON of 34 Causeway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PAYNE of 5 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 142 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 15 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 15 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 15 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 17 Lynnholme-gardens -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 20 Ravensworth-avenue Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of 272 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of Flag Villa Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of Rostrevor Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
PEACOCK of Rostrevor Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
PEAPS of 6 Bideford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
PEARCE of 122 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
PEARS of 156 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
PEARS of 82 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 151 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 18 Barry-street -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 20 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 20 Camborne-grove -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 26 Millway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 51 Frank-street -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 7 The-crescent -- Gateshead
PEARSON of 9 Lynnholme-gardens -- Gateshead
PEAT of 72 Windermere-street-west -- Gateshead
PEEL of Park Lee Ventnor-gardens -- Gateshead
PEGG of 69 Marian-street -- Gateshead
PELLOW of 253 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
PELLOW of 63 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PENMAN of 8 Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
PENMAN of 92 Oakfield-road Lobley Hill -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PENMAN of The Bensham General Hospital -- Gateshead
PENNINGTON of 110 Rawling-road Bensham -- Gateshead
PENNINGTON of 46 Hillfield-street -- Gateshead
PERCY of 83 First-street -- Gateshead
PERCY of 83 First-street -- Gateshead
PERDUE of 16 Colville-street -- Gateshead
PERRY of Hope and Anchor Inn Windy Nook -- Gateshead
PETERSEN of School House Wrekenton -- Gateshead
PETRIE of 58 Hylton-road Primrose Jarrow county Durham and-of 75 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
PETTEDSSON of 8 Springfield-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PETTY of 92 Devonshire-street -- Gateshead
PHILIPS of 8 Chapel-street -- Gateshead
PHILIPSON of 32 Watt-street -- Gateshead
PHILIPSON of 87 Sidney-terrace -- Gateshead
PHILLIPS of 15 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
PHILLIPS of 25 Lichfield-street -- Gateshead
PHILLIPS of 4 Rosewood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
PHILLIPS of 86 Durham-road -- Gateshead
PHILLIPS of Sunningdale Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
PHILLIPSON of 37 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PHILLIPSON of 96 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
PHLLLLPSON of 56 Colville-street -- Gateshead
PICKERINC of 162 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
PICKERING of 4 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
PICKERING of 5 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
PICKERING of 5 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
PICKERSGILL of 64 Burn-street -- Gateshead
PICKLES of 10 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
PIKE of 159 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
PILLANS of 16 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
PILLAR of 89 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
PIMBLEY of Ship Inn Eighton Banks Wrekenton near -- Gateshead
POOLE of 4 Villa-place -- Gateshead
POOLE of 49 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
POPE of 7 St Edmunds-place Deckham -- Gateshead
POPHAM of 26 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PORTEOUS of 26 Hilda-street -- Gateshead
PORTER of 52 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
PORTSMOUTH of 135 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
POTTER of 16 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
POTTER of 195 Prince Consort-road Gateshead
POTTER of 3 Wards Buildings Springwell -- Gateshead
POTTER of 77 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
POTTjER of 77 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
POTTS of 18 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
POTTS of 21 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
POTTS of 9 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
POULTON of Gladstone-terrace -- Gateshead
POWER of 32 Wakefield-terrace Carrs Hill-road -- Gateshead
PRATT of 52 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
PRESTON of 172 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
PRESTON of 7 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
PRESTON of 7 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
PRICE of 10 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
PRICE of 2 Noble-terrace -- Gateshead
PRICE of 24 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
PRICE of 88 Marian-street -- Gateshead
PRICE of 97 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
PRICE of 97 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
PRIEST of 7 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
PRINGLE of 16 Saltwell-view -- Gateshead
PRINGLE of 21 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
PRINGLE of 22 Queen-street -- Gateshead
PRINGLE of 30 St Helen?s-crescent Low Fell Gateshead
PRINGLE of 40 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
PRINGLE of 82 Orton-street Gateshead
PROCTOR of 14 Villa-place -- Gateshead
PROCTOR of 19 The Crescent -- Gateshead
PROCTOR of 23 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
PROCTOR of 29 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
PROCTOR of Fern Villa South Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
PROFFITT of 2 Patterdale-terrace -- Gateshead
PROUD of 126 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
PROUD of 126 Carr Hill-rodd -- Gateshead
PROUD of 25 AltSmy Buildings -- Gateshead
PROUD of 4 Spencer-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
PROUDLOCK of 31 Hubert-terrace -- Gateshead
PRYKE of 5 North View Low Fell -- Gateshead
PUGH of 109 Mansfield-street -- Gateshead
PUGH of 7 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PUGMIRE of 356 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
PUNSHON of 6 Wingrove-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
PUNTON of 45 Claremont South-avenue -- Gateshead
PURDIE of 7 Evistones-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
PURDY of 11 Winslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
PURSELL of 2-West Park-road -- Gateshead
PURVES of 112 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
PURVES of 2 Hewitt-street -- Gateshead
PURVES of 2 Hewitt-street -- Gateshead
PURVES of 2 Hewitt-street -- Gateshead
PURVIS of 13 Mozart-terrace -- Gateshead
PURVIS of 38 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
PURVIS of 40 South Hill-road -- Gateshead
PURVIS of 88 Durham-road -- Gateshead
PYBUS of 126 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
PYBUS of 9 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
QUICK of 271 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
QUINN of 7 Beechwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
QUINN of 7 Sedgewick-place -- Gateshead
RADCLIFFE of 81 Dryden-road-south Low Fell -- Gateshead
RAE of Woodlands West Park-road -- Gateshead
RAFFEL of 13 Derwent-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RAFFEL of 13 Derwent-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RAINBOW of 22 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
RAINE of 8 Devon-gaxdens -- Gateshead
RAINE of 9 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
RAMSAY of 150 Saltwell-road Bensham -- Gateshead
RAMSAY of 55 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
RAMSAY of 6 Edison-gardcns -- Gateshead
RAMSAY of 6 Highcliffe-gardens -- Gateshead
RAMSAY of 85 Howe-street -- Gateshead
RAMSHAW of 31 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
RANKIN of 302 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
RANSON of 32 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
RATCLIFFE of Glenview Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
RATCLIFFE of Holmview Clifton Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RAW of 87 Oakfield-road -- Gateshead
RAWLINSON of 77 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
RAY of 43 Warwick-street -- Gateshead
RAY of 7 Chatsworth-parade -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RAY of 7 Ghatsworth-parade Low Fell -- Gateshead
READ of 19 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
READMAN of 23 Denewell-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
REAY of 20 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
REAY of 29 Hendon-road Deckham -- Gateshead
REAY of 5 Rose-street -- Gateshead
REAY of 5 Rose-street -- Gateshead
REAY of 51 Ord-street -- Gateshead
REAY of 9 Fern-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
REAY of Harewood Breckonbeds-road -- Gateshead
REAY of The Poplars 11 Windy Nook-road -- Gateshead
REDFERN of 19 Chater-street -- Gateshead
REDHEAD of 12 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
REDHEAD of Hillside Low Fell -- Gateshead
REED of 1 High West-street -- Gateshead
REED of 1 High West-street -- Gateshead
REED of 1 High West-street -- Gateshead
REED of 2 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
REED of 2 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
REED of 44 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
REED of 56 Leopold-street -- Gateshead
REED of 86 LobleyHill-road -- Gateshead
REED of 88 Durham-road -- Gateshead
REID of 1 Carrick-street -- Gateshead
REID of 1 Tynevale-terrace -- Gateshead
REID of 2 Rose-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
REID of 27 Cooper-street -- Gateshead
REID of 290 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
REID of 3 Ross-terrace -- Gateshead
REID of 3 Ross-terrace -- Gateshead
REID of 30 Feme Dene-road -- Gateshead
RELPH of 2 Home-cottages Windy Nook-road -- Gateshead
RENNISON of 6 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
RENWICK of 2 Renwick-terrace -- Gateshead
RENWICK of High Teams Institution -- Gateshead
RENWICKS of 15 Clifton-gardens -- Gateshead
RENWICKS of 32 Howe-street -- Gateshead
REVELEY of 53 Third-street -- Gateshead
REVELL of 4 Brixham-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
REYNALDS of 37 Ord-street -- Gateshead
REYNOLDS of 18 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
REYNOLDS of 18 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
REYNOLDS of 21 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
REYNOLDS of Fell Cottage Springwell -- Gateshead
REYNOLDS of Perseverance-avenue Springwell -- Gateshead
RHODES of 36 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
RICHARDS of Cartref 11 Cleasby-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 1 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 14 Claremont-north-avenue -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 15 Orchard-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 15 Orchaxd Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 15 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 161 Durham-road -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 19 Belle Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 19 Denmark street -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 19 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 23 Kells Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 251 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 28 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 3 Westfield-terrace -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RICHARDSON of 31 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 33 Walton-street -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 33 Walton-street -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 4 Strathmore-road -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 46 Alston-street Bensham -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 54 Hedley-street -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 59 Exeter-strect -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of 8 Alexandra-terrace Sunniside -- Gateshead
RICHARDSON of Heworth House Heworth Felling -- Gateshead
RICHES of 29 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
RICHLEY of 123 Durham-road -- Gateshead
RICHLIEU of 292 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
RICKABY of 81 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
RIDDLE of 65 Dry den-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
RIDEALGH of 8 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RIDEALGH of Glentame 220 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
RIDLEY of 58 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
RIDLEY of 63 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
RIDLEY of 7 Berwick-street -- Gateshead
RILEY of 225 Victoria-road Teams -- Gateshead
RILEY of 6 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
RIMER of Glendene Alverstone-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
RIPPON of 31 Heathfield-road -- Gateshead
RISEBOROUBH of 134 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
RISEBOROUQH of 74 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
RITCHIE of 32 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
RITCHIE of 5 Tumbull-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
RITSON of 10 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
RITSON of 22 Alfres-street -- Gateshead
RITSON of 31 Hubert-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
RITZEMA of 32 Gordon-street -- Gateshead
RIVINGTON of 23 Bensham-crescent -- Gateshead
RIX of 1 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
ROACH of 4 Arthur-street -- Gateshead
ROBERTS of 10 Balfour-street Gateshead
ROBERTS of 250 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
ROBERTS of 4 King James Cottages -- Gateshead
ROBERTS of 4 King James-cottages -- Gateshead
ROBERTS of 6 Asher-street -- Gateshead
ROBERTS of 6 Ross-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBERTSON of 142 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
ROBERTSON of 495 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
ROBERTSON of 54 Morris-street Low Teams -- Gateshead
ROBERTSON of 7 Elysium-lane -- Gateshead
ROBERTSON of 92 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 1 Kents-terrace Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 10 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 13 Fourth-street Heworth Colliery -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 16 Walmer-terrace Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 16 Westboume-avenue -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 173 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 2 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 2 Abbey-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 24 AUhusen-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 30 Cambridge-street -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 33 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 337 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 36 Eastwood-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 4 Back Chapel-street -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 41 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ROBINSON of 52 Tennyson-street -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 57 Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 57 Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 7 Mary-street -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 86 Wylam-street -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of 9 Ravensdale-crescent -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of Eastleigh 42 Dryden-road-north -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of Evemont Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of Garleigh Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of Lynwood Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of NetherWarden Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
ROBINSON of The Victoria-road Schools -- Gateshead
ROBISON of 20 Hillfield-street -- Gateshead
ROBISON of 35 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 1 Glendale-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 10 St Cuthberts-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 111 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 12 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 14 Dunrobin-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 14 Onslow-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 14 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 159 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 16 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 178 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 18 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 18 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 2 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 206 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 22 Causeway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 24 Burney Villas -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 24 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 266 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 27 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 27 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 3 Chaucer-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 34 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 34 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 4 Towns-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 42 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 42 Grahamsley-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 46 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 51 Langton-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 6 Nelson-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 61 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 7 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 7 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 70 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 78 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 83 Old Fold-road -- Gateshead
ROBSON of 9 Villa-view Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROBSON of The Butchers Arms High-street -- Gateshead
ROBSON of Wensley Villa Wensleydale-terrace Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROCHE of 20 Lilac-gardens -- Gateshead
ROCHE of 20 Lilac-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RODGERS of 137 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
RODGERS of 15 Westmorland Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RODGERS of 5 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
RODGERS of Hazelmere Low Fell -- Gateshead
RODHAM of 76 Dixon-street -- Gateshead
ROGAN of 33 South Hill-road Bensham -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
ROGERS of 30 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
ROGERS of 9 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
ROGERSON of 23 Stavordale-terrace -- Gateshead
ROGERSON of 31 Windy Nook-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
ROGERSON of 34 Devon Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROLLO of 19 James-street -- Gateshead
ROOD of 11 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
ROSS of 122 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
ROSS of 14 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
ROSS of 33 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
ROSS of 5 Woodbine-place -- Gateshead
ROUTH of 16 Tyrrell-street -- Gateshead
ROUTLEDGE of 38 Stone-street -- Gateshead
ROUTLEDGE of 41 Brunel-street Bcnsham -- Gateshead
ROUTLEDGE of 71 Windermere-street-west -- Gateshead
ROUTLEDGE of Sheriff Mount North Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROWE of 22 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROWE of 28 Rosebery-avenue -- Gateshead
ROWE of 7 and 9 Cromwell-street Mount Pleasant -- Gateshead
ROWE of 8 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 2 Liddell-terrace Kibblesworth -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 303 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 31 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 34 Montrose-crescent -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 347 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 35 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 40a Ellison Villas -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 50 Askew-road -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 70 South-street -- Gateshead
ROWELL of 85 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
ROWLANDS of 5 Queen s-terrace -- Gateshead
ROWLEY of 2 Mitford-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
ROWNTREE of 10 Limetrees-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
ROXBURGH of Ancroft Durham-road-south Low Fell -- Gateshead
RUDD of 26 Claremont-South-avenue -- Gateshead
RUDDOCK of 10 Belle Vue-terrace -- Gateshead
RUDGE of 20 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
RUDHAM of 57 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
RULE of Horndean Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 10 Tyne Vale-tterrace -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 18 Flag-terrace -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 18 Lilac Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 22 Hilda-street -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 24 Egremont-drive Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 4 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 4 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
RUSSELL of 46 AfQeck street -- Gateshead
RUST of 5 Telford-street Bensham -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 1 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 1 Peterborough-street -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 16 Askew-road-west -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 16 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 23 Elswick-street Sunderland- road -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 23 Elswick-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 27 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 30 Chepstow-gardens -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 6 Overhill-terrace -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 77 Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 80 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
RUTHERFORD of 85 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
RYAN of 13 Ede-avenue Dunston -- Gateshead
RYAN of 30 Pnnce Consort-road -- Gateshead
RYAN of 5 Hillfield-street -- Gateshead
RYCRAFT of 4 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
RYDER of 8 South Pine-street Teams -- Gateshead
SADLER of 6 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SADLER of 7 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SADLER of Croft House Durham-road -- Gateshead
SALKELD of 2 Holly Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SAMUEL of 136 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 1 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 133 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 15 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 3 Moore-street -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 3 Moore-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 32 Newman-terrace -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 39 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
SANDERSON of 5 Lilac Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SANDIESON of 11 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
SANKEY of 28 Kelvin-grove -- Gateshead
SANT of 7 Poplar-crescent Bensham -- Gateshead
SARGEANT of Cromer Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
SARGEANT of Cromer Cromer-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
SARGENT of 8 Hall-terrace -- Gateshead
SARGINSON of 10 North View-terrace -- Gateshead
SARGINSON of 25 Fife-street -- Gateshead
SAVAGE of 18 Trevethick-street -- Gateshead
SAWYER of 31 Harle-street -- Gateshead
SCIVILLE of 5 Kensingfon-terrace -- Gateshead
SCOLLICK of 5 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
SCOPE of 167 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
SCOPE of 48 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SCORER of 8 Millrigg-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCORFIELD of 65 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 1 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 1 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 110 Durham-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 121 Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 13 Ely-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 16 Beaconsfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 167 Durham-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 17 Lavender-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 188 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 188 South Parade -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 20 The Crescent Gateshead
SCOTT of 21 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 221 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 23 Otterburn-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 251 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 3 Hcdley-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 36 Wylam-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 46 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 542 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 58 Fife-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 60 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 66 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 8 Kinfauns-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of 8 Kinfauns-terrace Low Fell Gateshead
SCOTT of 82 Marian-street -- Gateshead
SCOTT of Gunyah Elmwood-gardens Ravensworth -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SCOTT of I Prospect-place Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
SCOTT of Iburndale 3 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of Maple Cottage Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCOTT of Shandon 2 Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
SCULLION of 24 Second-street -- Gateshead
SCULLION of 24 Second-street -- Gateshead
SCURFIELD of 312 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
SECKER of 4a Rectory-place -- Gateshead
SEDGWICK of 2 Listers-lane Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
SEDGWICK of 45 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SEDGWICK of Hylton House Highburn-terrace Heworth -- Gateshead
SELF of 15a Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
SELF of 20 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
SELLARS of 13 Deckham Place -- Gateshead
SEWELL of 36 James-street -- Gateshead
SEYMOUR of 55 Broadway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
SHADFORTH of 2 Springfield-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
SHANNAN of 8 Lynnholme-gardens -- Gateshead
SHANNAN of 8 Lynnholme-gardens -- Gateshead
SHARKEY of 4 Earlswood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
SHARP of 134 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
SHARP of 26 Quarry field-road -- Gateshead
SHARP of 33 Bensham-terrace -- Gateshead
SHARP of 41 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
SHARP of 47 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
SHARP of 94 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
SHARP of 94 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
SHARPt of 399a High-street -- Gateshead
SHARROCK of 43 Jane Ayre-terrace Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
SHARROCK of 43 Jane Eyre-terrace -- Gateshead
SHAW of 390 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
SHERIFF of 115 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
SHEVILL of 121 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
SHIELD of 27 Buttermere-gardens High Fell -- Gateshead
SHIELD of 27 Buttermere-gardens High Fell -- Gateshead
SHIELD of 50 Keswick-street -- Gateshead
SHIELL of 360 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
SHIELL of 360 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
SHIELL of 59 Broadway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
SHIELL of 59 Broadway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
SHIPLEY of 107 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
SHIPLEY of 14 Woodbine-place -- Gateshead
SHORT of 1 Cambourne-place -- Gateshead
SHORT of 17 Salkeld-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 17 Salkeld-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 17 Salkeld-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 249 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
SHORT of 25 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
SHORT of 46 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 46 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 5 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
SHORT of 54 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
SIDDLE of 156 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
SIMMS of Lonister Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
SIMPSON of 10 Wrekenton-row Wrekenton -- Gateshead
SIMPSON of 33 Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
SIMPSON of 35 Goschen-street Gateshead
SIMPSON of 41 Burt-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SIMPSON of 62 Armstrong-street -- Gateshead
SIMPSON of 99 Saltwell-road Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SIMPSON of The Rectory -- Gateshead
SINCLAIR of 177 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SINCLAIR of 234 Lesbury-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SINTON of 47 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
SINTON of Hesket 29 Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
SKELLY of 28 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
SKIPSEY of i 440 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
SLATER of 18 Charlotte-street -- Gateshead
SLATER of 24 Sidmouth-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SLATER of 9 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
SLEIGH of 14 Bertram-gardens -- Gateshead
SLOAN of 32 Meldon-gardens -- Gateshead
SLOAN of 32 Meldon-gardens Lobley-hill -- Gateshead
SMALL of 87 Brigh ton-road Bensham -- Gateshead
SMART of 124 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
SMART of 255 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
SMART of Fern Villas Kells-Iane Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 1 Ambleside-gardens -- Gateshead
SMITH of 11 Brighton Gardens Gateshead
SMITH of 116 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 12 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 12 Railway-terrace Gateshead
SMITH of 125 Brigbton-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 13 Powells Court High-street Gateshead
SMITH of 14 Arkwrlght-street Gateshead
SMITH of 147 Bewick-road-west -- Gateshead
SMITH of 16 Avenue-road Gateshead
SMITH of 16 Hewitson-terrace Felling-on-Tyne -- Gateshead
SMITH of 16 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
SMITH of 16 Teviot-street Gateshead
SMITH of 161 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 171 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 175 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 177 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 179 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 19 Tent-street Gateshead
SMITH of 20 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 224 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 23 Dryden-road-south Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 24 York-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 242 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SMITH of 272 High-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 273 Coats worth-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 29 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 29 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 3 Coronation-terrace Springwell Gateshead
SMITH of 3 Rochester-gardens Dunston -- Gateshead
SMITH of 308 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 31 Airey-terrace Gateshead
SMITH of 34 Wynyard-gardens Wrekenton -- Gateshead
SMITH of 37 Cross-row -- Gateshead
SMITH of 37 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 39 Brunswick-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 4 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 41 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 42 Beaconsfield-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 43 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 45 Hector-street Gateshead
SMITH of 50 Rayleigh-grove -- Gateshead
SMITH of 50 Westminster-street Bensham Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SMITH of 51 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 58 Third-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 6 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 7 Deckham-terrace Gateshead
SMITH of 707 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 79 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 8 Crawshay-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 84 Beverley-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 86 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 87 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 9 Cobden-street -- Gateshead
SMITH of 9 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of 9 Sidmouth-road Law Fell Gateshead
SMITH of 97 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 97 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SMITH of 97 Bewick-road Gateshead
SMITH of Carisbrooke Lyndhurst Drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of Garth Cottage Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
SMITH of Kobe Lyndhurst-grove Low Fell -- Gateshead
SMITH of Warwick House Wrekenton -- Gateshead
SMITH of Watergate Lodge Ravensworth -- Gateshead
SMURTHWAITE of 11 Oakwood-avenue Harlow Green Low Fell -- Gateshead
SNEE of 13 Leonard?s-court -- Gateshead
SNOWBALL of 276 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
SNOWBALL of 87 Calderwood-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
SNOWBALL of Follonsby Lyndhurst-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
SNOWDON of 2 Jackson-street -- Gateshead
SNOWDON of 20 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
SNOWDON of 35 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
SNOWDON of 5 Killowen-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
SNOWiBALL of Millfield House 94 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
SOBER of 2 Alston-street -- Gateshead
SOBER of 2 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
SOBER of 2 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
SOBER of 23 Edison Gardens -- Gateshead
SOLLY of 49 Durham-road -- Gateshead
SOMERVILLE of 57 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SORDY of 266 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
SOULSBY of 28 Nile-street Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
SOULSBY of 32 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
SOUTHERN of 14 Laburnum-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SOWERBY of 75 Edward-street -- Gateshead
SOWERBY of 9 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
SOWERBY of 9 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
SPARK of 257 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SPARK of 257 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SPARKS of 40 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
SPEDDING of 58 Cromwell-street -- Gateshead
SPENCE of 341 Elmgrove-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SPENCE of 341 Elmgrove-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
SPOORS of 19 Mayfair-gardens -- Gateshead
SPOORS of 291 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
SPOWART of Grange Farm Heworth -- Gateshead
SPRAGGON of 12 Pine-street -- Gateshead
SQUIRES of 2 Osborne-terrace -- Gateshead
STADIUS of 40 Sunderland-street -- Gateshead
STAFFORD of 49 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
STAFFORD of 49 Glenbrooke-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
STAIT of 14 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
STALKER of 354 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
STANGER of 67 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
STANLEY of 148 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
STANLEY of 9 Prest-street -- Gateshead
STANLICK of 19 Grainger-street -- Gateshead
STARK of 1 Bartram-gardens -- Gateshead
STARK of 16 Grantham-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
STARK of 16 Grantham-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
STATTERS of 25 Briermede-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEAD of 2 Poplar-crescent -- Gateshead
STEEL of 153 Durham-road -- Gateshead
STEEL of 274 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
STEEL of 52 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
STEEL of 52 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
STEELE of 10 Victoria-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEELE of 19 The Avenue Sheriff-Hill -- Gateshead
STEELE of 27 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
STEELE of 27 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
STEELE of Glasgow House Derwentwater-road Teams -- Gateshead
STEIN of 27 Spencer-terrace -- Gateshead
STENHOUSE of 10 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
STENHOUSE of 13 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 11 Beaconsfield-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 162 Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 190 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 23 Granville-street -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 5 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 5 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of 58 Edward-street -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of Fern Cottage Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEPHENSON of Hare and Hounds Inn Windy Nook -- Gateshead
STERLING of 19 Co-operative-terrace Windy Nook -- Gateshead
STERRIE of 62 Millicent-terrace -- Gateshead
STERRY of 138 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
STEVENSON of 4 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEVENSON of 7 Stephenson-street -- Gateshead
STEWART of 12 Rosslyn-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEWART of 17 Grantham-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEWART of 19 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
STEWART of 253 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
STEWART of 60 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
STEWART of 7 Nelson-street -- Gateshead
STIRLING of 9 Park-terrace -- Gateshead
STOBART of 26 Dryden-road-north -- Gateshead
STOBART of 28 Claremont-south-avenue -- Gateshead
STOBBS of Beeston House Joicey-road -- Gateshead
STOCKS of 21 Fife-street -- Gateshead
STOKELL of 26 Romulus-street -- Gateshead
STOKELL of 29 Rectory-place -- Gateshead
STOKER of 5 Edward-street -- Gateshead
STOKES of 15 Bloomfieldrterrace -- Gateshead
STOKES of 184 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
STOKES of 31 Stephenson-street Dunston-on-Tyne Gateshead 11 -- Gateshead
STOKOE of 110 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
STOKOE of 18 West Park-road -- Gateshead
STOKOE of 18 West Park-road and of 9 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
STOKOE of 18 West Park-road and of 9 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
STOKOE of 351 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
STONE of 24 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
STONE of 392 Higbrstreet -- Gateshead
STOOKES of 8 Heatherdale-terrace Wrekenton -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

Person living in the areaMore details, including year
STOREHOUSE of 22 Victoria-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
STOREY of 13 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
STOREY of 13 South Hill-road Bensham -- Gateshead
STOREY of 13 West View Wrekenton -- Gateshead
STOREY of 27 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
STOREY of 349 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
STOREY of 37 St Edmund?s-rorid -- Gateshead
STOREY of 9 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
STOREY of Summervale Sunderland-road Heworth -- Gateshead
STORY of 32 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
STOTT of 362 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
STOTT of 362 Durhamroad Low Fell -- Gateshead
STRACHAN of 128 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
STRACHAN of North Dene Durham-road -- Gateshead
STRAKER of 221 Victoria-road Bensham -- Gateshead
STRAUGHAN of 128 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
STRAUGHAN of 16 Clay ton-street Askew-road -- Gateshead
STRELECKI of 65 Edward-street -- Gateshead
STRELECKI of 7 Harrisons-buildings High Level-road -- Gateshead
STRONG of 1 Elmgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
STRONG of 337 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
STRONG of 345 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
STUART of 2 Beacon-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
STUART of 8 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
STUART of 8 Claremont-place -- Gateshead
STUDD of 21 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
STURROCK of 19 Shipcote-terrace -- Gateshead
SUGGBTT of 81 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
SUGGETT of 6 Windyridge High Felling -- Gateshead
SUMMERFIELD of 32 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
SUMMERFIELD of 8 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
SUMMERVILLE of 19 Tinn-street -- Gateshead
SURTEES of 28 Romulus-street -- Gateshead
SURTEES of 34 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
SURTEES of 35 George-street -- Gateshead
SURTEES of 39 Athol-street -- Gateshead
SUTCLIFFE of 38 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
SUTHERLAND of 33 Fife-street -- Gateshead
SUTHERLAND of 35 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
SUTHERLAND of 5 Hedley-street -- Gateshead
SUTHERLAND of 95 Grange-terrace Deckham -- Gateshead
SUTTON of 117 Saltwell-road Bensham -- Gateshead
SWADDLE of 15 Edward-street Springwell -- Gateshead
SWADDLE of 7 Oakwood Gardens -- Gateshead
SWADDLE of Danesholm 18 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
SWADDLE of Lynton Springwell -- Gateshead
SWAINSTON of 13 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
SWAN of 1 The Central Low Fell -- Gateshead
SWAN of 178 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
SWAN of 614 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SWAN of 63 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SWAN of Fairholme Low Fell -- Gateshead
SWIFT of Saltwell View -- Gateshead
SWIFT of St George s Vicarage -- Gateshead
SWINBURN of 8 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
SWINBURN of Holmehead Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 18 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 18 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 18 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 18 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
SWINBURNE of 2 Claremont-terrace Bill Quay -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 76 Camborne Grove -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of 87 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
SWINBURNE of Escomb 1 Ravensworth-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
SWINDON of 18 Herbert-street -- Gateshead
SWINTON of 1 Ferry-terrace Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
SYMONDS of 55 Camborne-grove Gateshead
TAGG of 254 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
TAIT of 16 Ellwood-gardens -- Gateshead
TAIT of 23 Leazes-street -- Gateshead
TAIT of 25 Oswald-terrace -- Gateshead
TAIT of 33 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
TAIT of 34 Spencer-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
TAIT of 44 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
TAIT of Inglesyde 8 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
TALBOT of 7 Oakwood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
TALLENTYRE of 59 Grasmere-street West -- Gateshead
TANNER of 36 Kingsboro -terrace Deckham -- Gateshead
TARBIT of 24 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
TATE of 34 Albert-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
TATE of 37 Holyoak-gardens -- Gateshead
TATE of 863 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 1 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 1 Ely-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 11 West Park-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 11 West Park-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 112 Milling-street Teams -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 121 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 149 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 15 Saltwell-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 153 St Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 163 Bewick-road-west -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 172 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 178 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 191 Saltwell-road Bensham -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 2 Catherine-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 216 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 25 Eastboume-avenue -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 3 Reginald-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 35 Saltwell View -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 49 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 49 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 5 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 51 Rawling-road Bensham -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 58 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 67 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 7 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 7 Ely-street -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 81 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of 83 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of Byron Cottage Byron-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of Glenesk 27 Kells-lane North -- Gateshead
TAYLOR of Lenthorpe 1 Belle Vue-terrace -- Gateshead
TEARE of 9 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
TEASDALE of 15 Fern-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
TEASDALE of 4 Fox-street -- Gateshead
TEASDALE of 43 Sheriffs Highway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
TEBAY of 16 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
TELFORD of 25 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
TELFORD of 25 Coburg-street -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TELFORD of 264 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
TEMPERLEY of Burghfield Grange Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
TEMPEST of 74 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
TEMPLE of 21 Coniston-gardens -- Gateshead
TERRILL of 243 Cardigan-terrace -- Gateshead
TERRILL of 39 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
TERRILL of 39 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
THANE of 100 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
THEW of 39 Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
THEW of Shortridge Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
THIRLAWAY of 19 Kells-lanc North Low Fell -- Gateshead
THIRLAWAY of 57 Oakfield-road Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
THIRLWALL of 27 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
THIRLWALL of 39 Dorothy-street -- Gateshead
THIRLWALL of Lilac House Larne-crescent Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
THIRLWELL of 10 Chester-place -- Gateshead
THIRLWELL of 36 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOM of 42 Windermere-street -- Gateshead
THOM of 42 Windermere-street-west -- Gateshead
THOMAS of 11 Crossway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 10 Denmark-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 10 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 105 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 11 Curzon-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 116 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 12 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 13 Albany-mad -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 13 Fieldhouse-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 13 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 136 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 14 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 14 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 145 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 159 Dryden-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 17 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 17 Pattirdale-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 18 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 18 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 18 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 2 Lavender-gardens -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 21 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 22 Sandringham-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 22 Sandringham-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 23 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 243 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 26 Liddell-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 26 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 264 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 264 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 28 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 29 Ellwood Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 305 High-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 305 High-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 32 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 37 Cramer-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 38 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 4 Long Bank-road Wrekenton -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 47 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 49 Walton-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 5 Norwood Gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
THOMPSON of 50 Belle Vue Bank Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 51 Third-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 53 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 57 Ripon-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 61 Crossley-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 70 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 8 Villa-place -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 84 Armstrong-street -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of 9 Southway Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
THOMPSON of Delaval House 3 Ravensworth-avenue Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
THOMSON of 14 Holly-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
THOMSON of 31 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
THOMSON of 56 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
THORNTON of 33 The Avenue Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
THORNTON of 55 Queens-street -- Gateshead
THORRAT of 7 Camperdown-street -- Gateshead
THUBRON of 31 Oxford-terrace -- Gateshead
THURLOW of 20 Holyoake-gardens -- Gateshead
TILLY of 6 Kells-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
TINDALE of 115 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
TINDALL of 24a Sodhouse Bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
TINDLE of 88 Redheugh-road -- Gateshead
TINNING of 84 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
TODD of 10 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
TODD of 119 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
TODD of 123 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
TODD of 14 Gibson-street -- Gateshead
TODD of 15 Kells-gardens -- Gateshead
TODD of 18 Tyrrell-street -- Gateshead
TODD of 2 Tyne Vue Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
TODD of 21 Thomas-street -- Gateshead
TODD of 73 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
TOLLETT of 30 St Albans-terrace -- Gateshead
TOMLINSON of 20 Moore-street -- Gateshead
TOMS of 31 Gordon-street -- Gateshead
TOPPING of 9 Elizabeth-street -- Gateshead
TOWNSEND of 11 Granville-street -- Gateshead
TOWNSEND of 11 Granville-street -- Gateshead
TOWNSEND of 40 Edward-street -- Gateshead
TOWNSEND of 40 Edward-street -- Gateshead
TREW of 30 Argyle-street -- Gateshead
TREW of 30 Argyle-street -- Gateshead
TROTMAN of 340 Back High-street -- Gateshead
TROTTER of 13 Claremont Place -- Gateshead
TROTTER of 199 St Cuthbert s-road -- Gateshead
TRURAN of 41 Melrose-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
TUCKER of 82 Armstrong-street -- Gateshead
TULIP of 3 Bloomfield-terrace -- Gateshead
TULLY of 172 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
TULLY of 72 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 1 Kella-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 12 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 12 Davison-place Dunston -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 120 Lower Cuthbert-street -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 15 Richmond-street -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 18 Moore-street -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 23 Dixon-street -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 28 Fern Dene-road -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 39 Burt-terrace -- Gateshead
TURNBULL of 88 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
TURNER of 15 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
TURNER of 18 Kitchener-street Gateshead
TURNER of 40 Argyle-street -- Gateshead
TURNER of 404 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
TURNER of 5 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
TURNER of 84 Bensham-road Gateshead
TUTIN of 71 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
TWEDDLE of 6 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
TWEEDY of 154 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
TWEEDY of Driefontein 301 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
TWITCHETT of 142 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
TYRRELL of Birdhopecrag Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
URE of 27 Westover-gardens Low Feh -- Gateshead
URMSTON of 138 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
URWIN of 21 Ravensdale-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
URWIN of 31 Romulus-street -- Gateshead
USHER of 34 Balfour-street -- Gateshead
VAIL of 97 Claremont-street -- Gateshead
VAIL of 97 Claremont-street -- Gateshead
VANNER of 223 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
VANNER of 7 Rochester-street -- Gateshead
VARTY of 4 Chapel-row -- Gateshead
VASEY of 192 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
VEITCH of 127 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
VEITCH of 14 Alfred-street -- Gateshead
VEITCH of 347 Elmgrove-terrace Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
VENABLES of 50 Argyle-street -- Gateshead
VEROW of 2 Leopold-street -- Gateshead
VICKERS of 14 Bronte-street -- Gateshead
VICKERS of 158 Brinkbum-avenue -- Gateshead
WADDELL of 1 South-street -- Gateshead
WADDELL of 50 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
WADDINGTON of 3 Maxwell-street -- Gateshead
WADDLE of 10 Marigold-avenue Old Fold -- Gateshead
WADE of 3 Ord-street -- Gateshead
WADHAM of 72 Kells-lane-north Low Fell -- Gateshead
WAGGOTT of 9 Follonsby-terrace Follonsby Colliery -- Gateshead
WAILES of 7 Alston-street Bensham -- Gateshead
WAINE of 5 Avondale-terrace -- Gateshead
WAKE of 1 Goschen-street -- Gateshead
WAKE of 94 Beechwood-gardens Ravensworth -- Gateshead
WAKE of Hillcrest 1 Long Bank Wrekenton -- Gateshead
WAKEFIELD of 81 Raby-street -- Gateshead
WAKEFIELD of Ferndale House Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
WAKINSHAW of 142 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
WALBY of 5 Barrington Place Eighton Banks -- Gateshead
WALES of 14 Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
WALES of 14?Essex-gardens -- Gateshead
WALES of 23 Thornlca-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WALKER of 1 Lady Park Lamesley -- Gateshead
WALKER of 14 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
WALKER of 14 Brighton Gardens -- Gateshead
WALKER of 16 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
WALKER of 16 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
WALKER of 20 Worley-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WALKER of 23 Temple-green -- Gateshead
WALKER of 28 Caris-street -- Gateshead
WALKER of 29 Claremont North-avenue -- Gateshead
WALKER of 3 Salkeld-gardens -- Gateshead
WALKER of 3 Salkeld-gardens -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WALKER of 35 Northbourne-street -- Gateshead
WALKER of 37 Ashtrees-gardens -- Gateshead
WALKER of 40 St. Aidans-street -- Gateshead
WALKER of 41 Raby-street -- Gateshead
WALKER of 43 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
WALKER of 5 Oakwellgate -- Gateshead
WALKER of 75 Durham-road -- Gateshead
WALLACE of 160 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
WALLACE of 48 Afffeck-street -- Gateshead
WALLACE of 48 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
WALLS of 27 Trevethick-street -- Gateshead
WALTERS of 36 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
WALTON of 19 Millfield-terrace East -- Gateshead
WALTON of 295 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
WALTON of 6 Thomwood-gardens Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
WALTON of 67 Lobley Hill-road Bensham -- Gateshead
WALTON of The Garth Lyndhurst-drive -- Gateshead
WARD of 10 Lilac Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WARD of 105 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WARD of 105 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WARD of 12 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
WARD of 15 Beaconsfield-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
WARD of 25 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
WARD of 25 Exeter-street -- Gateshead
WARD of 3 Westfield-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
WARD of 31 Backfield-street -- Gateshead
WARD of 33 James-street -- Gateshead
WARDEN of 155 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
WARDILL of Craigielea Low Fell -- Gateshead
WARDLE of 9 Grove-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WARDROBE of 173 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
WARDROBE of 173 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
WARNER of 26 Haydn-street -- Gateshead
WARRINER of 11 Penman-street -- Gateshead
WARRINGTON of 6 Fowler-gardens Dunston-on-Tyne -- Gateshead
WATERS of 132 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
WATKINS of 249 Cardigan-terrace -- Gateshead
WATKINS of 249 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
WATON of 1 Barrington-place -- Gateshead
WATSON of 1 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WATSON of 10 Half Moon-lane -- Gateshead
WATSON of 10 Laburnum Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WATSON of 10 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of 154 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 16 Saltwell-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 17 Olive-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WATSON of 173 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 18 Elderwood Gardens -- Gateshead
WATSON of 18 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
WATSON of 191 St. Cuthberts-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 2 Eastwood Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WATSON of 2. Osborne-terrace -- Gateshead
WATSON of 20 Cambridge-terrace -- Gateshead
WATSON of 28 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of 28 Lincoln-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of 3 Church-road Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WATSON of 3 Epworth-grove -- Gateshead
WATSON of 3 Queens-terrace -- Gateshead
WATSON of 32 Lichfield-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of 35 Otterburn-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WATSON of 4 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 4 Charnwood-gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WATSON of 407 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
WATSON of 5 School-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of 58 Lame-crescent -- Gateshead
WATSON of 65 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
WATSON of 69 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
WATSON of Mona Cottage Springwell -- Gateshead
WATT of 164 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
WATT of 31 Heathfield-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WATT of 76 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
WATTERS of 153 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
WAUD of 13 Sitavordale-terace -- Gateshead
WAUD of 13 Stavordale-terrace -- Gateshead
WAUGH of 10 Laburnum-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WAUGH of 14 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
WAUGH of 629 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WAUGH of Waratah Long Bank Wrekenton near -- Gateshead
WEALLEANS of 269 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
WEALLEANS of Charlton House Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
WEAR of 5 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WEARS of 8 Sutherland-street -- Gateshead
WEATHERBURN of 41 Fountain-avenue Durham-road -- Gateshead
WEATHERLY of The Hare and Hounds Inn Windy Nook -- Gateshead
WEATHERSTON of 114 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
WEATHERSTON of 2 Ross-terrace -- Gateshead
WEBSTER of 133 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WEBSTER of ?4 Airey-terrace -- Gateshead
WEDDELL of 165 Durham-road -- Gateshead
WEDDELL of 165 Durham-road -- Gateshead
WEDDELL of 460 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
WEDDERBURN of 69 Third-street -- Gateshead
WEDDLE of 5 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
WEEDY of 11 Bowes-crescent Springwell -- Gateshead
WEIGHTMAN of 21 St. Cuthberts-place Bensham -- Gateshead
WELCH of 14 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WELCH of 16 Moore-street -- Gateshead
WELCH of 16 Moore-street -- Gateshead
WELLS of 10 Watt-street -- Gateshead
WELSH of 52 Sutherland-street -- Gateshead
WELSH of Ravenshurst Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WENNINGTON of Westward 259 Durham-read Low Fell -- Gateshead
WESTERMAN of 414 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead
WEYMES of 10 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHEATLEY of 2 Rydal-street -- Gateshead
WHEATLEY of 32 Beaconsfield-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHEATLEY of 32 Beaconsfield-avenue Low-Fell -- Gateshead
WHEATLEY of 7 Studley Gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHEATLEY of 93 Taylor-terrace Split Crow-road -- Gateshead
WHINN of 3 Newton-street -- Gateshead
WHIPP of 1 Essex Gardens -- Gateshead
WHIPP of 1 Essex Gardens -- Gateshead
WHITBREAD of 88 Wordsworth-street -- Gateshead
WHITE of 10 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHITE of 230 Durham-road -- Gateshead
WHITE of 27 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
WHITE of 34 Redheugh-road-road -- Gateshead
WHITE of 4 Ravenswood-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHITFIELD of 187 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
WHITFIELD of 276 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WHITFIELD of 545 Durham-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHITFIELD of 77 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WHITROD of 6 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WHITTLE of 26 Southey-street -- Gateshead
WIGHAM of 14 Elgin-road -- Gateshead
WIGHAM of 40 Dunsmuir-grove -- Gateshead
WIGHT of 2 Earls Dene Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILD of 117 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
WILD of 117 Bensham-road -- Gateshead
WILD of 67 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
WILDE of 111 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
WILDSMITH of 107 Lobley Hill-road -- Gateshead
WILES of 33 Nelson street -- Gateshead
WILKIE of 133 Mansfield-street -- Gateshead
WILKIE of 2 Surtees-terrace Low Team -- Gateshead
WILKIE of 393 Brighton-road -- Gateshead
WILKIN of 41 Fife-street -- Gateshead
WILKINS of 241 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 10 Herbert-street Gateshead
WILKINSON of 11 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 11 Stratford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 19 Woodbine-street -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 22 Milling-street Askevv-road -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 24 Avenue-road -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 29 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 3 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of 57 Chandless-street -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of Fairholme Durham-road -- Gateshead
WILKINSON of Gunyah Hill Croft Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WILLCOCKS of 369 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
WILLEY of 266 Westbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
WILLIAMS of 20 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
WILLIAMSON of 5 Stewart-place -- Gateshead
WILLIS of 112 Sodhouse-bank Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WILLIS of 213 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
WILLIS of 42 Sidney-grove -- Gateshead
WILSON of 1 Morland-gardens Carr Hill -- Gateshead
WILSON of 106 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 11 Ord-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 11 Ord-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 110 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 136 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 15 St Cuthberts-place Bensham -- Gateshead
WILSON of 157 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 17 Huxley-crescent -- Gateshead
WILSON of 17 Huxley-crescent -- Gateshead
WILSON of 173 Alexandra-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 21 Hyde Park-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 213 Prince Consort-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 226 Rectory-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 247 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 25 Cross Keys-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 27 Bank-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 27 Bideford-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 3 Chow Dene-terrace Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 3 Enfield-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of 3 Popplewell-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 31 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 31 Westminster-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 32 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
Person living in the areaMore details, including year
WILSON of 38 Leopold-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 4 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 4 Ventnor-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 4 Ventnor-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 40 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 40 Saltwell-place -- Gateshead
WILSON of 47 Affleck-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 50 Deckham-terrace -- Gateshead
WILSON of 7 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 7 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 84a Fife-street -- Gateshead
WILSON of 88 Dryden-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of 96 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
WILSON of Belgrave Sunderland-road Heworth -- Gateshead
WILSON of Boundary Cottage Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of Dairy Ventnor-gardens -- Gateshead
WILSON of Gladwyn 39 Joicey-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
WILSON of Half Moon Hotel Half Moon-lane -- Gateshead
WILSON of la Wakefield-terrace Springwell -- Gateshead
WILSON of Park-view Durham-road -- Gateshead
WINCHESTER of 255 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
WINDER of 13 Tent-street -- Gateshead
WINDER of 66 Edward-street -- Gateshead
WINLOW of 21 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
WINLOW of 21 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
WINNARD of 59 Windsor-avenue -- Gateshead
WINNARD of 9 Clyde-street -- Gateshead
WINSHIP of 121 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
WINSHIP of 16 Havelock-terrace -- Gateshead
WINSPER of 67 Carr Hill-road -- Gateshead
WINSPER of 67 Carrs-Hill-road Carrs Hill -- Gateshead
WINTERBURN of 46 Home-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WINTERS of 40 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
WINYARD of 31 Raby-terrace -- Gateshead
WISE of 47 Fern Dale-road -- Gateshead
WISHART of 14 Limetrees Gardens -- Gateshead
WISHART of 14 Limetrees-gardens -- Gateshead
WISHART of 15 Balfour-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 115 Inskip-terrace -- Gateshead
WOOD of 15 Morris-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 15 Morris-street Teams -- Gateshead
WOOD of 16 Bridlington-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WOOD of 17 Glendale Gardens -- Gateshead
WOOD of 2 Fielding-place Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WOOD of 20 Raby-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 22 Coleridge-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
WOOD of 29 Bensham-crescent -- Gateshead
WOOD of 35 Claremont-north-avenue -- Gateshead
WOOD of 36 Morris-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 5 Woodbine-place Low Fell -- Gateshead
WOOD of 54 Cromwell-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 68 Derwentwater-road -- Gateshead
WOOD of 7 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
WOOD of 7 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 7 Melbourne-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of 9 Hutt-street -- Gateshead
WOOD of Beacon Lough Lodge Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WOOD of South Dene Kells-lane Low Fell -- Gateshead
WOODCOCK of 54 Bensham-avenue -- Gateshead
WOODHOUSE of Park-view Kibblesworth -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

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WOODS of 14 Glynwood Gardens Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WOODS of 2 Ravensworth-terrace -- Gateshead
WOODS of 4 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
WOODS of Ashgrove Lyndhurst-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
WOODWARD of 48 Brinkburn-avenue -- Gateshead
WOOLLEY of 110 Faraday-grove -- Gateshead
WORLEY of 58 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
WORLEY of 58 Earls-drive Low Fell -- Gateshead
WORLEY of Villa Rosa Durham-road -- Gateshead
WORTHINGTON of 185 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
WORTHINGTON of 185 Rodsley-avenue -- Gateshead
WRAY of 17 Palmer-street -- Gateshead
WREN of 29 Ord-street -- Gateshead
WREN of 32 Harle-street -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 10 Ashgrove-terrace -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 12 Miller-street -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 142 Ferndene-road -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 17 Brighton-gardens -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 19 Cromwell-terrace -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 2 Richmond-terrace -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 28 St Helens-crescent -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 3 Millfield-terrace Bensham -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 37 Fourth-street -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 4 Dunston-bank Dunston -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 40 Lame-crescent Sheriff Hill -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 60 Dean-street Low Fell -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 64 Millicent-terrace Derwentwater- road -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of 81 Rawling-road -- Gateshead
WRIGHT of io Fourth-street -- Gateshead
WRIGHTSON of 34 - Blyth-terrace -- Gateshead
WYLIE of 6 King Edward-street -- Gateshead
WYLLIE of 3 Sutherland-street -- Gateshead
YARWOOD of 30 Oakwood-avenue Low Fell -- Gateshead
YATES of 80 Bewick-road -- Gateshead
YEAMAN of 19 Easton-street -- Gateshead
YEAMAN of 19 Stavordale-terrace -- Gateshead
YEAMAN of 36 St Edmunds-road -- Gateshead
YEAMAN of 407 Old Durham-road -- Gateshead
YELLOWLY of 32 Silver dale-terrace -- Gateshead
YESORSKY of 15 Coatsworth-road -- Gateshead
YORKE of 1 Devon-gardens -- Gateshead
YORKE of Westbank 366 Durham road -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 13 Cedar-crescent Low Fell -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 163 Durham-road -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 22 Thornlea-gardens Low Fell -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 23 Saltwell-road Bensham -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 26 Oakfield-road Lobley Hill -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 3 Alexandra-terrace Sunniside hear -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 4 Hall-terrace -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 42 Chandos-strcet -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 64 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 64 Whitehall-road -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 7 Clyde-street -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 76 Victoria-road -- Gateshead
YOUNG of 97 Eastbourne-avenue -- Gateshead
YOUNG of Heatherlea Church-road Low Fell -- Gateshead
YOUNG of Napier-house Streetgate Sunniside -- Gateshead
YOUNG of Tinkler Row Fell Sunniside -- Gateshead
YOUNGER of 30 Brunel-street -- Gateshead
YOUNGER of 33 Sunderland-road -- Gateshead

For help identifying unknown grandparents with DNA ask us at

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YOUNGHUSBAND of 58 Grasmere-street -- Gateshead

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ENGLAND COUNTIES Bedfordshire  Berkshire  Buckinghamshire  Cambridgeshire  Cheshire  Cornwall  County Durham  Cumberland  Derbyshire  Devonshire  Dorsetshire  Essex  Gloucestershire  Hampshire  Herefordshire  Hertfordshire  Huntingdonshire  Isle of Wight  Kent  Lancashire  Leicestershire  Lincolnshire  Middlesex  Norfolk  Northamptonshire  Northumberland  Nottinghamshire  Oxfordshire  Rutlandshire  Shropshire  Somerset  Staffordshire  Suffolk  Surrey  Sussex  Warwickshire  Westmorland  Wiltshire  Worcestershire  Yorkshire 
ENGLAND COUNTIES (MORE) Cheshire  Cheshire (pt 1)  Cheshire (pt 2)  Cornwall (towns)  County Durham  County Durham (pt 1)  County Durham (pt 2)  Derbyshire  Derbyshire (pt 1)  Derbyshire (pt 2)  Devonshire  Devonshire (pt 1)  Devonshire (pt 2)  Essex  Essex (pt 1)  Essex (pt 2)  Essex (pt 3)  Hampshire  Hampshire (pt 1)  Hampshire (pt 2)  Hertfordshire  Hertfordshire (pt 1)  Hertfordshire (pt 2)  Kent  Kent (pt 1)  Kent (pt 2)  Lancashire  Lancashire (pt 1)  Lancashire (pt 2)  Lancashire (pt 3)  Lancashire (pt 4)  Lancashire (pt 5)  Lancashire (pt 6)  Lincolnshire (towns)  Middlesex  Middlesex (pt 1)  Middlesex (pt 2)  Middlesex (pt 3)  Somerset (towns)  Staffordshire  Staffordshire (pt 1)  Staffordshire (pt 2)  Surrey  Surrey (pt 1)  Surrey (pt 2)  Surrey (pt 3)  Sussex (pt 1)  Sussex (pt 2)  Yorkshire  Yorkshire (pt 1)  Yorkshire (pt 2)  Yorkshire (pt 3) 
ENGLAND TOWNS Accrington  Aylesbury  Bath  Bedford  Birkenhead  Birmingham  Blackburn  Blackpool  Blandford  Bodmin  Bournemouth  Bradford  Brighton  Bristol  Buckingham  Burnley  Burton-on-Trent  Bury St Edmunds  Buxton  Cambridge  Canterbury  Carlisle  Chatham  Chelmsford  Cheltenham  Chester  Chichester  Colchester  Coventry  Crewe  Darlington  Deal  Derby  Devonport  Doncaster  Dover  Durham (town)  Eastbourne  Ely  Exeter  Folkestone  Gateshead  Gloucester  Great Yarmouth  Greenpool  Guildford  Halifax  Harrogate  Hartlepool  Hastings  Haverfordwest  Hereford  Holland  Huddersfield  Huntingdon  Ipswich  Kidderminster  Kingston-on-Thames  Kingston-upon-Hull  Lancaster  Leamington Spa  Leeds  Leicester  Lewes  Lichfield  Lincoln  Liverpool  Lowestoft  Macclesfield  Maidstone  Manchester  Margate  Middlesbrough  Monmouth  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  North Shields  Northampton  Norwich  Nottingham  Oldham  Oxford  Penzance  Peterborough  Plymouth  Poole  Portsmouth  Ramsgate  Reading  Ripon  Rochdale  Rochester  Salford  Salisbury  Scarborough  Sheffield  Shrewsbury  South Shields  Southampton  Southsea  St Leonards on sea  Stockton-on-Tees  Stoke-on-Trent  Stratford-on-avon  Sunderland  Taunton  Tonbridge  Torquay  Truro  Tunbridge Wells  Wakefield  Warrington  Warwick  Wells (Somerset)  West Worthing  Weston-super-Mare  Whitby  Wigan  Winchester  Windsor  Wolverhampton  Worcester  Worthing  York 
ENGLAND TOWNS (MORE) Ashton-under-Lyne  Birmingham  Birmingham (pt 1)  Birmingham (pt 2)  Birmingham (pt 3)  Durham  Liverpool  Liverpool (pt 1)  Liverpool (pt 2)  Manchester  Manchester (pt 1)  Manchester (pt 2)  Altrincham (Cheshire)  Hyde (Cheshire)  Northwich (Cheshire)  Runcorn (Cheshire)  Sale (Cheshire)  Stockport (Cheshire)  Wallasey (Cheshire)  Wirral (Cheshire)  Exmouth (Devonshire)  Paignton (Devonshire)  Barking (Essex)  Ilford (Essex)  Leigh-on-sea (Essex)  Romford (Essex)  Southend-on-Sea (Essex)  Westcliff-on-sea (Essex)  Stroud (Gloucestershire)  Hertford (Hertfordshire)  Ashford (Kent)  Beckenham (Kent)  Bromley (Kent)  Dartford (Kent)  Gillingham (Kent)  Gravesend (Kent)  Herne Bay (Kent)  Orpington (Kent)  Plumstead (Kent)  Sevenoaks (Kent)  Sidcup (Kent)  Welling (Kent)  Whitstable (Kent)  Barrow-in-Furness (Lancashire)  Bolton (Lancashire)  Bury (Lancashire)  Chorley (Lancashire)  Darwen (Lancashire)  Morecambe (Lancashire)  Nelson (Lancashire)  Preston (Lancashire)  Prestwich (Lancashire)  Southport (Lancashire)  St Helens (Lancashire)  Grimsby (Lincs)  Gosforth (Northumberland)  Whitley Bay (Northumberland)  Mansfield (Notts)  Newcastle-under-Lyme (Staffs)  Stafford (Staffs)  Bexhill-on-Sea (Sussex)  Bognor Regis (Sussex)  Horsham (Sussex)  Hove (Sussex)  Rugby (Warwickshire)  Halesowen (West Midlands)  Smethwick (West Midlands)  Stourbridge (West Midlands)  Walsall (West Midlands)  West Bromwich (West Midlands)  Bromsgrove (Worcestershire)  Barnsley (Yorks)  Batley (Yorks)  Bingley (Yorks)  Bridlington (Yorks)  Brighouse (Yorks)  Dewsbury (Yorks)  Goole (Yorks)  Keighley (Yorks)  Pontefract (Yorks)  Redcar (Yorks)  Rotherham (Yorks)  Shipley (Yorks)  Skipton (Yorks)  Sowerby Bridge (Yorks)  Todmorden (Yorks) 
LONDON Croydon  London  London (E - pt 2)  London (E- pt 1)  London (EC)  London (N - pt 1)  London (N - pt 2)  London (NW - pt 1)  London (NW - pt 2)  London (other)  London (SE-inner)  London (SE-outer)  London (SW-inner)  London (SW-outer - pt 1)  London (SW-outer - pt 2)  London (SW-outer - pt 3)  London (W - pt 1)  London (W - pt 2)  London (WC) 
WALES COUNTIES Anglesey  Brecknockshire  Cardiganshire  Carmarthenshire  Carnarvonshire  Denbighshire  Flintshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire  Glamorganshire (pt 1)  Glamorganshire (pt 2)  Merionethshire  Monmouthshire  Montgomeryshire  Pembrokeshire  Radnorshire 
WALES TOWNS Aberdare  Bangor  Barry  Bridgend  Builth Wells  Cardiff  Carmarthen  Carnarvon  Llandaff  Merthyr Tydfil  Neath  Penarth  Pontypridd  Port Talbot  Rhondda  St Asaph  Swansea 
SCOTLAND COUNTIES North Britain  Scotland  Scotland (pt 1)  Scotland (pt 2)  Aberdeenshire  Angus-shire  Argyllshire  Ayrshire  Banffshire  Berwickshire  Buteshire  Caithness  Clackmannanshire  Dumbartonshire  Dumfriesshire  Elginshire  Fifeshire  Forfarshire  Invernessshire  Kincardineshire  Kinrossshire  Kirkcudbrightshire  Lanarkshire  Lothian  Midlothian  Morayshire  Nairnshire  Peeblesshire  Perthshire  Renfrewshire  Ross-shire  Roxburghshire  Selkirkshire  Shetland  Stirlingshire  Sutherland  Wigtownshire 
SCOTLAND TOWNS small Scottish town  Aberdeen  Airdrie  Alloa  Angus  Arbroath  Arran  Ayr  Banff  Berwick  Berwick-on-Tweed  Blairgowrie  Brechin  Bridge of Allan  Broughty Ferry  Calston  Cambuslang  Campbeltown  Carnoustie  Coatbridge  Crieff  Dalbeattie  Douglas  Dumbarton  Dumfries  Dunblane  Dundee  Dunfermline  Dunoon  Edinburgh  Elgin  Falkirk  Forfar  Glasgow  Grangemouth  Greenock  Haddington  Hamilton  Hawick  Helensburgh  Inverness  Kelso  Kilbride  Kilmarnock  Kirkcaldy  Kirkcudbright  Lanark  Largs  Lockerbie  Montrose  Nairn  Orkney  Paisley  Peebles  Perth  Prestwick  Rothesay  Rutherglen  Saltcoats  Selkirk  St Andrews  Stevenston  Stirling  Stonehaven  Stranraer  Strathaven  Troon  Uddingston 
BRITAIN ELSEWHERE Britain elsewhere  Guernsey  Isle of Man  Jersey  Gibraltar  Falkland Islands  Channel Islands 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND COUNTIES County Antrim  County Armagh  County Carlow  County Cavan  County Clare  County Cork  County Derry  County Donegal  County Down  County Dublin  County Fermanagh  County Galway  County Kerry  County Kildare  County Kilkenny  County Kings county  County Leitrim  County Leix  County Limerick  County Longford  County Louth  County Mayo  County Meath  County Monaghan  County Offaly  County Queens county  County Roscommon  County Sligo  County Tipperary  County Tyrone  County Waterford  County Westmeath  County Wexford  County Wicklow 
IRELAND & NORTHERN IRELAND TOWNS Antrim (town)  Armagh (town)  Belfast  Carlow (town)  Cavan (town)  Cork (town)  Donegal (town)  Dublin (town)  Galway (town)  Kilkenny (town)  Leitrim (town)  Leix (town)  Londonderry  Longford (town)  Limerick (town)  Meath (town)  Monaghan (town)  Roscommon (town)  Sligo (town)  Tipperary (town)  Waterford (town)  Westmeath (town)  Wexford (town)  Wicklow (town) 
AFRICA Africa  Central Africa  East Africa  Egypt  Gold Coast Africa  Kenya  Nigeria Africa  North Africa  Northern Africa  Northern Rhodesia  Nyasaland Africa  Portuguese East Africa  Sierra Leone Africa  South Africa  Southern Rhodesia  West Africa 
ASIA Asia  Burma  Ceylon  China  Hong Kong  India  Indonesia  Japan  Malay States  Pakistan  Singapore  Straits Settlements  Turkey 
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NORTH AMERICA USA  Canada  Alabama (USA)  Alaska (USA)  Arizona (USA)  Arkansas (USA)  California (USA)  Chicago (USA)  Colorado (USA)  Connecticut (USA)  Dallas (USA)  DC (USA)  Delaware (USA)  Detroit (USA)  Florida (USA)  Georgia (USA)  Hawaii (USA)  Idaho (USA)  Illinois (USA)  Indiana (USA)  Indianapolis (USA)  Iowa (USA)  Jersey City (USA)  Kansas (USA)  Kentucky (USA)  Los Angeles (USA)  Louisiana (USA)  Maine (USA)  Maryland (USA)  Massachusetts (USA)  Mexico (USA)  Michigan (USA)  Minnesota (USA)  Mississippi (USA)  Missouri (USA)  Montana (USA)  Nebraska (USA)  Nevada (USA)  New Hampshire (USA)  New Jersey (USA)  New Mexico (USA)  New York (USA)  New York City (USA)  Niagara (USA)  North Carolina (USA)  North Dakota (USA)  Ohio (USA)  Oklahoma (USA)  Oregon (USA)  Pennsylvania (USA)  Philadelphia (USA)  Rhode Island (USA)  Rochester (USA)  San Francisco (USA)  Somerville (USA)  South Carolina (USA)  South Dakota (USA)  St Louis (USA)  Tennessee (USA)  Texas (USA)  Utah (USA)  Vermont (USA)  Virgin Islands (USA)  Virginia (USA)  Washington (USA)  Wisconsin (USA)  Wiscousin (USA)  Wyoming (USA) 
MILITARY Military 

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